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新疆巴楚县发生暴力袭击事件 袭击者被当场击毙

发表于 10-19-2014 09:52:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Washington DC: 自由亚洲电台 (Radio Free Asia, RFA), Oct 19, 2014
www.rfa.org/mandarin/yataibaodao ... 10192014101047.html
(新疆喀什巴楚县农贸市场上周日发生一起暴力袭击事件。据本台维语部的报道,10月12日 * * * 四名袭击者的年龄介乎25至30岁,均来自阿克萨克玛热勒乡")

My comment:
(a) This report appears in RFA’s 普通话部. Naturally we do not understand a thing (spoken or written) in 维语部. That is why I did not cite that report in 维语部.
(b) 新疆维吾尔自治区喀什地区 巴楚县  Bachu or Maralbexi County, Kashgar Prefecture, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region
(section 1 行政区划: 阿克萨克玛热勒乡[Akesakemarele Township])

(c) '新疆巴楚发生暴力袭击事件22人死.' BBC Chinese, Oct 19, 2014
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/chin ... a_xinjiang_violence
(美国自由亚洲电台(RFA)维语部称 * * * 不过,至今中国官方媒体尚未报道此次暴力袭击事件,也没有其他独立消息来源确认有关消息。日前,以美国为基地的海外华文媒体博讯网曾报道说,巴楚附近的图木舒克市15日大规模戒严,所有通讯信号都被迫中断,怀疑当地发生了暴力袭击事件”)
(i) It is 2 pm, EDT, BBC published this report eight hours ago. So far, official media outlets in China have not reported on this.
(ii) There is no need to read the rest of the BBC report. The quotation is the only thing new.

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