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A Kiwi Expat in Taiwan

发表于 11-9-2014 12:24:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Nicole Billante; Expat tales: living in Taipei, Taiwan. Stuff.com.nz, Nov 9, 2014.
www.stuff.co.nz/travel/kiwi-trav ... ng-in-taipei-taiwan


“I drive, but it's a frustrating experience with big cars and small lanes.

“Asian-sized large is NZ-sized small. We [in Taiwan] have Gap, Zara and Mango, which stock Western sizes, so they become the staples.

“Summer is ridiculously hot.

“Cafes are in short supply here

(a) Stuff.co.nz
(b) China has a lot of tourists. Not to 班門弄斧, I merely try to understand myself the situations in Taiwan, having left three decades ago--and introduce Taiwan to you.
(c) "What are the greatest advantages to living there [in Taiwan]? Without a doubt * * * ability to earn a higher wage than at home."

The answer comes as a shock to me. How come?

(d) "Disadvantages? * * * Oh, and the difficulty in getting a decent haircut, as evidenced by my photo (no matter what I ask for, I come out with a bob)."
(i) bob cut
(English society beauty Lady Diana Cooper [1892 – 1986], who had had bobbed hair as a child, kept the style through her teenage years and continued in 1914 [age 22] as an adult")
(ii) bob
(n; Middle English bobbe; First Known Use  14th century): "a short haircut on a woman or child"
(vt; First Known Use 1675):
"1:  to cut shorter :  CROP <bob a horse's tail>
2:  to cut (hair) in the style of a bob"

(e) “How expensive is it compared to New Zealand? How much is a beer?  Many things are comparable, such as the cost of internet and other bills. If you are prepared to eat like a local, food is much cheaper. We get national health insurance so a trip to the doctor or dentist sets you back only six bucks. You pay a premium for expat goods like cereal and wine (nearly $25 for a bottle of Jacob's Creek) - although Anchor cheese is cheaper here than at home. A can of Taiwan Beer, which you can buy at a 7/11, is about NZ$1.50.”
(i) The current exchange rate is: 1 New Zealand dollar (NZD) = T$23.8
(ii) For Jacob's Creek, see Orlando Wines
(a winery in the state of South Australia; Founded 1847; It [winery] is best known as the producer of Jacob's Creek, Orlando's main wine brand, which was first released in 1976)
(iii) For Anchor cheese, see Anchor (brand)
(Historically the Anchor Zealand [brand] was owned by the New Zealand Dairy Group [private, Founded 1886] which merged with Kiwi Co−operative in 2001 to form the mega dairy Co−operative Fonterra)
(iv) A can of Taiwan beer for NZ$1.50. It is unclear whether it is iced. In US, iced beverage is much more expensive than the same at room temperature.


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