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发表于 11-15-2014 13:21:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Richard Silk and William Kazer, 中国工业企业难在获得订单而非贷款. 中国实时报, Nov 15, 2014

, which is translated from

Richard Silk and William Kazer, Excess Capacity Makes for Buyer’s Market; No Need for Loans. China Real Time, Nov 14, 2014.


"China’s industrial sector is still struggling with excess capacity and razor-thin profits, according to a survey of 2,015 industrial firms by Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in Beijing, released on Friday [Nov 14]. * * * The picture varies between industries: * * * China’s heavy industrial heartland – coal, steel and chemicals firms – which are struggling most. [even so] Most industrial goods are a buyer’s market

“'Financing is not a constraining factor for growth,' said Gan Jie, the Cheung Kong professor who devised the survey, at a briefing with journalists. That means 'easing monetary policy alone will not work – it will only create more excess capacity.'

"Companies have to reconcile fierce competition and stagnant demand with rising input costs. While raw-material prices on global markets are at their lowest level in years, thanks in part to China’s slowdown, wages are climbing rapidly. Worse still, workers may not be as willing as they used to be. Some companies find young workers are allergic to 'dumb and dirty' tasks, Ms Gan said. But there is a solution: more automation.

Note: 长江商学院教授
教授 [们]. 长江商学院 金融及财务

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