East Asian firms in China | A Bridge Over Troubled Waters; Taiwan, Japan and South Korea employ huge numbers of mainland Chinese.
www.economist.com/news/asia/2163 ... ver-troubled-waters
"At the latest count 88,000 firms from Taiwan employ 15.6m Chinese workers. About 11m are employed at 23,000 Japanese firms or their suppliers. Throw in 2m more workers for South Korean enterprises, and companies from around the troubled East China Sea have approaching 30m Chinese on their payrolls. Most of these Chinese, of course, have factory jobs.
"A large number of the jobs are filled by migrant workers from the Chinese countryside. About 163m people were working outside their home area in 2012.
"In truth, many Chinese like working for foreign firms. They follow China’s labour rules as well as, and often better than, local firms; they also pay fairly well. And, by and large, they [Taiwanese companies and, until recently, Japanese ones] continue to hire. |