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Three U-Va Students Who Met the Alleged Rape Victim That Night

发表于 12-11-2014 15:42:27 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
T Rees Shapiro, U-Va Students Challenge Rolling Stone Account of Alleged Sexual Assault. Washington Post, Dec 11, 2014.
www.washingtonpost.com/local/edu ... _story.html?hpid=z1

My comment:
(a) A woman “was in hysterics.”
(i) The following are all nouns. A person who suffers from hysteria is a hysteric (a word rarely used). However, there is an additional noun “hysterics” (all online dictionaries I check have “hysterics” and “hysteric” on separate Web pages: enter “hysteric” will not get you “hysterics.”
(ii) Referring the verb that may follows, the word “hysterics” can be “functioning as plural or singular.” Collins English dictionary.

But usually the word is used in “in hysterics.”
(b) I wish this reporter did not recycle about ten paragraphs from her previous article on the subject (dated Dec 6 in print).
(c) "In their first interviews about the events of that September 2012 night, the three friends separately told The Post that their recollections of the encounter diverge from how Rolling Stone portrayed the incident in a story about Jackie’s alleged gang rape at a U-Va fraternity."

Shapiro's previous report said it had talked to "Andy."


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