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Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Dec 15, 2014 (I)

发表于 12-12-2014 18:20:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) Dexter Roberts, China Tries to Bring Growth to Its Restless Xinjiang Region.
www.businessweek.com/articles/20 ... ntment-from-uighurs


"Every commercial building, hotel, and government office [in Urumqi] has a metal detector manned by a police officer at its entrance.

"At the heart of Xi’s plans is the Silk Road Economic Belt 丝绸之路经济带

"Today more than one-quarter of the value of the area’s industrial sector is related to natural resources, compared with the national average of just 5 percent. That leaves the local economy exposed to the commodities slump. Xinjiang’s economy also relies heavily on subsidies from Beijing, which make up more than 60 percent of the budget.

"The Uighurs face serious discrimination in the job market, says WU Xiaogang 吴 晓刚, a professor of social science at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Almost 80 percent of Uighurs still farm, largely in the poor southern half of Xinjiang.

"Increased violence has ruined tourism as Chinese avoid the region’s scenic deserts and mountains. Many Han Chinese are leaving Xinjiang for their home provinces. That’s hurting small [Han] businesses

"Uighur merchants have it tough, too. Ailijiang Kuerban sells brooches and veil clips to Muslim women in Urumqi. His sales have fallen sharply since Beijing restricted most Uighur travel to the capital in the wake of the April and May attacks. He can no longer go to the city of Yiwu in Zhejiang province, where he would stock up on goods. He can’t find a place to put him up. 'Hotels outside Xinjiang usually won’t let Uighurs stay in them anymore,' he says.

(a) summary underneath title in print: Beijing is intent on developing Xinjiang, but resentment from its Uighur Muslim population is simmering
(b) "James Leibold, a political scientist at Australia’s La Trobe University"

La Trobe University
(Established 1962; public; main campus  Melbourne [capital and the largest city of the state of Victoria]named after Charles Joseph La Trobe [of French descent], the first Governor [1951-1854] of Victoria)

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 楼主| 发表于 12-12-2014 18:21:44 | 只看该作者
(2) Logistics Are Holding India’s E-Commerce Companies Back.

Note: summary underneath title in print: E-tail is hugely promising for Amazon and Snapdeal in India—but it often doesn’t deliver

(3) Yūji Nakamura 中村 友治, Sony Prepares for Life After Game Consoles.
www.businessweek.com/articles/20 ... after-game-consoles


"The company has sold about 15 million PlayStation 4s in the year since its release, regularly outpacing rival Microsoft’s Xbox One in the $44 billion console-gaming industry. But as the PlayStation franchise turns 20 this month, Sony is preparing for a post-console world.

"Although it may seem strange to cannibalize the hardware business while gamers are still willing to pay $400 or more for a PS4, Sony needs to push into cloud gaming sooner rather than later, says Serkan Toto, the founder of Tokyo-based consultant Kantan Games. 'Cloud gaming [ie, streaming] is the future'

(a) summary underneath title in print: Its PlayStation Now streaming service takes on Microsoft’s Xbox Live and Electronic Arts’ EA Access

(b) Regarding quotation 2.
(i) 会社概要.
(会社名[:] Kantan Games株式会社(英語表記 Kantan Games, Ltd); 代表取締役  Serkan Toto)

In other words, names of neither the company nor the CEO is written in Japanese. In fact, neither the given name (Serkan) nor the surname (Toto) is Japanese.
(ii) kantan  簡単 【かんたん】 (n): "simple"

(c) "Sony’s streaming platform runs on technology from Gaikai, the cloud-networking company that [Sony] Chief Executive Officer Kaz Hirai bought in 2012 for $380 million. As early as 2010, Gaikai could run the processing-intensive game World of Warcraft on an iPad, unheard of at the time."
(i) Gaikai
(外海, [Japanese] literally "open sea"/ Founded 2008; Headquarters  Aliso Viejo [in Orange County], California; Founders  David Perry, Rui Pereira, Andrew Gault; acquired by Sony in 2012)

Faikai was founded in the Netherland, according to an en.wikipediaq.org for David Perry (taht page also says he was born and raised in Northern Ireland.
(ii) For "Kaz Hirai," see 平井一夫
(1960- ; 海外では「Kaz」の通称がある [translation: Overseas known as 'Kaz'])

(pronounced Kazu-o HIRAI)

(d) "In July developer Electronic Arts announced its own subscription service, EA Access"

Electronic Arts
(headquartered in Redwood City [seat of San Mateo County], California; founded in 1982 by Trip Hawkins)
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 楼主| 发表于 12-12-2014 18:22:22 | 只看该作者
(4) Samsung Boots Up Its Smart Home Division.
www.businessweek.com/articles/20 ... smart-home-division

(a) summary underneath title in print: The Korean electronics maker puts new focus on Internet-connected appliances as its smartphone sales slide
(b) "The company’s biggest weakness has been software. It depends on Google’s Android operating system to run its devices; a partnership with Intel (INTC) to develop an independent OS has stalled. That system, called Tizen, runs on Samsung smartwatches and cameras and little else."

FAQ. Tizen Developers, undated
("What is Tizen?  Tizen is a web-centric, fully open source mobile platform, based on the Linux kernel. * * * The name,  Tizen, combines the connectivity of 'Tie,' the activity of 'Rise,' and the meditative qualities of 'Zen'”)

So the "i" in Tizen is pronounced "ai" (according to Wikipedia for Tizen)--as in "tie" and "rise."
(c) The fear is hacking.
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 楼主| 发表于 12-12-2014 18:22:55 | 只看该作者
(5) Claire Suddath, Weight Watchers Admits How Tough It Is to Slim Down.
www.businessweek.com/articles/20 ... rom-nike-and-fitbit


"The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says 69 percent of American adults are overweight or obese. It’s pretty evenly split between women and men.

"Weight Watchers is still the most popular program in the $38 billion weight-loss industry, with more than 2 million users paying between $20 and $70 a month to take part. According to food-marketing researcher Packaged Facts, about 14 percent of dieters are in the [Weight Watchers] program at any given time, vs only 1.8 percent in Jenny Craig. Yet Weight Watchers is losing dieters, and revenue has declined for seven straight quarters.

"A Duke University study released earlier this year found the [Weight Watchers] program costs the average user about $377 a year and results in a weight loss of only 5 pounds. (Jenny Craig’s averages, per the same study: $2,500 for 16 pounds.) 'Expense is often the first reason people give for why they gave up on a weight-loss program,' says Kathleen Ashton, a psychologist at the Cleveland Clinic’s Bariatric and Metabolic Institute. 'They also expect to lose too much weight too quickly and get frustrated when that doesn’t happen.'

(a) Regarding quotation 1, see About BMI for Adults. CDC, undated
("Why does CDC use BMI to measure overweight and obesity?  [A:] Calculating BMI is one of the best methods for population assessment of overweight and obesity. Because calculation requires only height and weight, it is inexpensive and easy to use for clinicians and for the general public. The use of BMI allows people to compare their own weight status to that of the general population")

(b) The BusinessWeek article says, "They eat their feelings as a man sings, 'If you’re sad and you know it, eat a snack!' to the tune of If You’re Happy and You Know It. The campaign, from advertising firm Wieden + Kennedy"
(i) If You're Happy and You Know It

(ii) Weight Watchers, "If You're Happy." YouTube.com, Nov 25, 2014.
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