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TSMC MIGHT Move Some 28nm Chip Production to China

发表于 12-16-2014 15:48:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) Jeffrey Wu, TSMC to Move Some 28-Nanometer Chip Production to China. Central News Agency, Dec 16, 2014


"Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp (SMIC) is still struggling with less advanced 40-nm process technology.

"In the third quarter of this year, chips made on TSMC's advanced 20-nm process made up 9 percent of its total sales * * * while chips made on its 28-nm process made up 34 percent of the sales, down from 37 percent recorded in the previous quarter.

(2) There is no need to read the rest of the following two reports.
(a) However, Liberty Times was uncertain about that move could take place. See

羅倩宜, 台積電可能赴中投資. 自由時報, Dec 17, 2014 (available now)
("張忠謀週二出席工研院院士會議,在會後記者會 * * * 說,10年前,中國占台積電營收幾乎是零,但現在比日本市場還大,與歐洲在伯仲之間,所以三星一定很垂涎中國市場。至於去中國投資的時間點?張忠謀表示,也許明年,也許不會發生,現在想法還沒成熟。即使有,應該是N-2代(即28奈米)製程,符合經濟部規範的N-1代以下。赴中投資的產能也僅占台積電很小部分")
(b) So is Apple Daily (Taiwan).

蕭文康, 台積電擬登陸 預期設12吋廠. 蘋果日報, Dec 16, 2014
www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/new/20141216/525360/台積電擬登陸 預期設12吋廠
("張忠謀 * * * 透露將以N-2(落後台灣2代製程)技術在中國擴產,但佔總產能應不會逾1成,不過,張忠謀強調,這要從長計議想法還不成熟,也許不發生也不一定。台積電目前量產最先進製程為16奈米,N-2等於是28奈米,而如此先進的製程必須在12吋生產,意味台積電將登陸設立12吋廠 [presently only 8-ch wafers in China]")


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