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Discount in Retailing

发表于 12-29-2014 11:40:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) Shelly Banjo, Attention, ‘Discount Junkies;’ Retailers increasingly promote their clearance sales only to bargain hunters. Wall Street Journal, Dec 29, 2014.

(a) Excerpt in the window of print: 15%   Share of shoppers who tend to pay full price and don’t look for sales.

(b) Quote:

Retailers have learned “showing them [promotions] only to customers who respond to price reductions. * * * A fifth of online shoppers are considered true “discount junkies,” people who make purchases only when plied with discounts, according to new data from AgilOne Inc * * * About 15% of shoppers generally pay full price for items and don’t bother searching for sales.

Put another way: “Discount shoppers who buy clearance items and last season’s styles once they are priced at more than 25% off; full-price shoppers who rarely buy clearance items; and customers who fall somewhere in between.

(c) Note: “‘Smart retailers understand discounting only moves the needle for a portion of their customers,’ said Omer Artun, chief executive of AgilOne and a former marketing executive at Best Buy Co. ‘You don’t want to offer discounts to full-price shoppers, because over time your profit margins will erode,’ he said.”
(i) Omer
(may refer to:
• The name Omar - Omer and Umar etc. are variations of the name Omar
• Omer (Book of Mormon), a Jaredite king;
• Saint-Omer, a town and abbey in northern France, named after Saint Audomar)
(ii) englishlessons, Idiom of the Week – Move the needle in/on Something. Dec 2, 2013
(definition: “make a noticeable difference in something * * * Picture an action or event that affects the movement of the needle on a measurement instrument")

(2) Ellen Emmerentze Jervell, Web Store Unloads Old Items Offline; Europe’s Biggest online retailer, Zalando, moves excess inventory to large discount outlets. Wall Street Journal, Dec 29, 2014.
www.wsj.com/articles/web-store-u ... -offline-1419811896

My comment: Read only the first five paragraphs.

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