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发表于 1-7-2015 10:34:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 弗雷泽(James Fletcher), 日本为何未禁绝描写未成年人色情的漫画? BBC Chinese, Jan 7, 2015
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/worl ... an_childporn_comics

, which is translated from

James Fletcher, Why hasn't Japan banned child-porn comics?  BBC, Jan 6, 2015

(2) What is wrong with those Japanese manga?  Nothing. Besides, it is protected by constitutions.
(a) Article 21 of the Constitution of Japan guarantees freedom of speech and press. Besides, The age of consent in Japan is 13, mind you.
(b) First Amendment rights of US constitution guarantee both the reading and writing/painting, as long as the manga are not "obscene." See Ashcroft v Free Speech Coalition, 535 US 234 (2002).
(c) Even in United Kingdom, what are described in the BBC reports are not illegal (thus can not be banned). See
Prohibited Images of Children. Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), United Kingdom, undated


"The offence is targeted at non-photographic images
  • (this includes computer generated images (CGI's), cartoons, manga images and drawings)

    ""In order for an image to be a 'prohibited image,' there are 3 elements that must be satisfied. An image must meet all 3 of the elements which are * * *

    * The Protection of Children Act 1978 already proscribes "indecent" "pseudo-pornographs" of a minor, whose elements are defined by
    Indecent Photographs of Children. CPS, undated
    ** Crown Prosecution Service
    (Formed 1986; Headquarters  London;The CPS is an independent prosecuting authority and government ministers have no influence over its decision making)
    (4) This is an issue many, including me, are passionate about. I have not read or watched pornography*** for decades 9only because I am too poor to afford it), but I fight for the rights that are constitutionally guaranteed.

    *** Well, it also depends on what is defined pornography: one person's pornography is another person's art. Think former US attorney General John Ashcroft's covering up breasts of a statute! See Spirit of Justice

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