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希腊港口私有化被叫停 中国丝路欧洲遇挫

发表于 1-28-2015 10:14:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
BBC Chinese, Jan 28, 2015.

(2) The new, leftist government of Greece, does not aim at China, though. See

Greece 'to review' China Piraeus port deal
www.ihsmaritime360.com/article/1 ... a-piraeus-port-deal
Angela Yu, Greece 'to review' China Piraeus port deal. IHS Maritime 360, Jan 28, 2015

(3) What have China--or COSCO--got so far, at the port?

New Greek Government to Halt Piraeus Port Privatisation: Official. AFP, Jan 28, 2015
("COSCO already has a 35-year concession to expand the two main container terminals at Piraeus")

My comment:
(a) In other words, COSCO might--just might (because "halting" or "under review" is the same as "permanently cancel"--not get the two thirds ownership of the port. COSCO may still keep the 35-year contract.
(b) There is no need to read the rest of the AFP report.

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