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发表于 2-7-2015 16:12:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
VOA Chinese, July 7, 2015.
www.voachinese.com/content/world ... 150207/2633041.html

(a) "1939年9月1日,当时访问波兰格但斯克西盘半岛的一艘德国战列舰突然向当地波兰驻军开炮,标志二战的爆发。在后来的几个月,当波兰军队正面迎战入侵德军时,苏联红军按照斯大林与希特勒达成的秘密协议从后方向波兰发动大规模进攻。纳粹德军和苏联红军甚至一度在乌克兰西部利沃夫等地会师并举行联合阅兵式。乌克兰西部和白俄罗斯的大片地区稍后并入苏联。"
(i) Gdańsk
(German: Danzig; section 1 Etymology; Poland regained its independence after World War I [Poland had been partitioned in 1795 for the third and last time] ; The German attack began in Danzig [the name at the time], with a bombardment of Polish positions at Westerplatte by the German battleship Schleswig-Holstein, and the landing of German infantry on the peninsula)
(ii) Free City of Danzig
(1920-1939; under League of Nations protection; "While the city's population was majority-German, it had a significant Polish minority as well. The German population deeply resented being separated from Germany")
(iii) Westerplatte
(a peninsula in Gdańsk; From 1926 to 1939 it was the location of a Polish Military Transit Depot; In 1925 the Council of the League of Nations allowed Poland to keep 88 soldiers on Westerplatte)
(iv) The non-aggression pact--specifically, Ribbentrop–Molotov Pact-- was signed on Aug 23, 1939. Germany invaded Poland on Sept 1, 1939 (France and UK declared war against Germany on Sept 3), followed by Soviet Union on Sept 17. Poland was obliterated on Oct 6.
(v) “纳粹德军和苏联红军甚至一度在乌克兰西部等地会师并举行联合阅兵式。”

This is true, BUT 利沃夫 was not in 乌克兰西部, but in Belarus.
(section Aftermath: at Brest-Litovsk [presently Brest, Belarus] on Sept 22, 1939, a joint victory parade)
(vi) “乌克兰西部和白俄罗斯的大片地区稍后并入苏联”
(A) This is the outcome of partition of Poland between Germany and Soviet Union. See territorial evolution of Poland
(section 37 1939: “In 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union invaded Poland and partitioned it pursuant to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact * * * Eastern areas of Poland became part of either Soviet Belarus or Soviet Ukraine)
(B) history of Ukraine
(view the map whose caption is “Territorial evolution of the Ukrainian SSR 1922–1954”) The yellow-colored annex in this map included the present-day Ukraine lost to Poland in 1919. Return to:
(C) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Territorial_evolution_of_Poland
(section 31.1 Creation of Poland: Legend of the map states, among other things, "Blue and white stripes indicate fighting with the West Ukrainian People's Republic [in the Polish–Ukrainian War (1918-1919), Poland vanquished West Ukrainian People's Republic and incorporated all of the latter's territory]")

(b) "中国问题学者拉林说,日本侵华后,为防备来自日本的威胁,苏联曾向国民党政府提供过大量援助,因为苏联把国民党政府当成中国的合法政府。这些援助一直持续到二战结束后国共内战爆发。拉林说:'几乎在日本宣布投降的当天早晨,在莫斯科,苏联同中国签订了苏中友好同盟条约。这项条约是经过双方很长时间的谈判和讨价还价后签订的。苏联正式确认,国民党政府是中国的唯一合法政府。苏联还承诺,苏联对中国的各种帮助,包括政治、经济等方面的援助直接提供给当时的中国中央政府,也就是国民党政府。'   拉林说,国共内战爆发后,苏联帮助支持中共,同国民党政府签订的条约没能执行。"
(i) US dropped atomic bomb on Aug 6 (Hiroshima) and 9 (Nagasaki). Soviet Union declared war on Japan on Aug 8. On Aug 15, Japan broadcast the Imperial Rescript on surrender.
(ii) Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Alliance  
(signed on Aug 14, 1945)
at Moscow by 王世杰 and Vyacheslav Molotov (the respective foreign ministers).   
(iii) The China White Paper, August 1949. Volumes 1-2. by US Department of State, at pages 116-117
("At the outset [of the negotiations at Moscow starting in the first week in July 1945] the United States informed the participants that it expected to be consulted prior to the signature of any Sino-Soviet agreement, in view of its role at Yalta. The American position was that the Yalta Agreement should be complied with --no more, no less. * * * As the Soviet interpretation of the Yalta Agreement became increasingly apparent, the United States finally felt compelled to inform both parties that certain Soviet proposals exceeded the Yalta Agreement")

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