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川瀬巴水 新版画

发表于 2-12-2015 20:01:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Lee Lawrence, The Magic in Twilight; A renewed appreciation for the emotional range of printmakers can achieve. Wall Street Journal, Feb 12, 2015.

(i) This is a museum review on
Water and Shadow” Kawase Hasui and Japanese Landscape Prints. Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Nov 15, 2014 -Mar 29, 2015.
(“This exhibition presents a visually compelling selection of Japanese woodblock prints * * * of Japanese landscape artist KAWASE Hasui 川瀬 巴水 (1883-1957) * * * during the early Taishō period 大正時代 [1912-1926]”)
(ii) In this Web page is a woodblock print whose legend is "Detail of Asahi Bridge, Ojiya (Kawase Hasui)"
(A)In Japanese: Ojiya Asahibashi 小千谷旭橋
(B) Ojiya, Niigata  新潟県 小千谷市

(b) “Made during the early years of the shin-hanga 新版画 (new print) movement, which started in 1915, they are a far cry from their predecessors, the ukiyo-e 浮世絵 or ‘floating world’ prints, which depicted a demimonde of courtesans and actors along with dramatic vistas, using bold outlines, bright colors and flat, sometimes asymmetrical compositions. By contrast, this show’s more than 100 shin-hanga prints, many of them now in the museum’s permanent collection, use perspective and nuanced color to explore the magic in twilight and the beauty in the ordinary.”

The “sei” (long vowel of “se”) and “yo” are Chinese and Japanese pronunciations of kanji 世 (meaning: world).
(c) “As Japan opened its borders in the mid-1800s and modernity rushed in, this printing process began to die out. It was too labor-intensive compared with Western technologies used for reproductions, and for many artists it was too artisanal. For publisher WARANABE Shōzaburō 渡辺 庄三郎 [1885-1962], however, collaborative printing felt just right, and by 1915 he had set out to reinvigorate it”

saburō 三郎  (The “s” is  converted to “z” because the letter is not at the beginning of a word.)

(d) “The author of a 2003 catalogue raisonné of Hasui’s woodblock prints, guest curator Kendall H Brown uses the Great Earthquake of September 1923 as a cut-off point * * * There are occasional glimpses of modernity—an electricity pole here, the prow of a ferryboat there”
(i) catalogue raisonné (n; French)
(ii) prow (n): "the bow of a ship"

* “The terms prow and bow are often used interchangeably to describe the most forward part of a ship and its surrounding parts.”  Wikipedia

(e) “In his 1920 ‘Kamin(no) Bridge, Fukagawa,’ for example, the span of a wooden bridge frames two sailboats and a river bank lined with boxy houses. The foreground is dark and blue, progressively lightening, then shifting into the muted yellow-orange of sundown. “This ordinary scene was one that delighted me,” Hasui wrote.

In print but not online is this print: 深川上の橋 (東京十二題)
(i) Search images.google.com with "Ioridani Pass, Etchu" (complete with quotation marks) and you will see different shades of the same perspectives.
(ii) 深川
(may refer to 地名: "東京都江東区深川 [町; ]。旧東京市深川区")
(ii) “地名の由来: 深川八郎右衛門ほか6人が開拓し、1596年(慶長元年)に深川村を創建したのが始まりである” ja.wikipedia.org
(iii) 深川上の橋 means “the bridge atop Fukakawa.”

fukai 深い 【ふかい】(adj): "deep"
(iv) The river flowing through 深川 is not 深川 (no such river in Tokyo), but 仙台堀川.

(f) “Especially revealing [about the printing process of woodblock] is the comparison of three 1928 prints for ‘Ioridani Pass, Etchu,’ whose design Hasui created in 1923. In each, a river snakes its way up to a range of mountains at sundown, but exactly what moment of this shifting light the print evokes depends on how the printer layers in the colors and the resulting hues and vibrancy of the sky, the intensity and location of shadows, and the amount of visible detail in the mountainside and river.“
(i) In Japanese: Etchu Ioridani toge  越中の庵谷峠
(A) Etchū Province  越中国
(The area is now called Toyama Prefecture 富山県)
(B) Ioridani  庵谷峠 【いおりだにとうげ】
(C) 神通峡 (富山県)
(caption of the middle photo: 庵谷峠付近からの眺め)

(i) “‘Matsushima Island in Moonlight’ from 1919”  月の松島
(A) 川瀬巴水, 月の松島 (1919)
(B) 川瀬巴水, 月の松島 (1930)
(ii) “‘Approaching Dusk on Furukawa Embankment’ (also 1919)” 深川

Kawase Hasui, "Approaching Dusk on Furukawa Embankment," early summer 1919, woodblock.

(iii) “the 1921 seascape of ‘Nishimikawazaka 佐渡西三川坂, Sado’”
(A) 川瀬巴水, 佐渡西三川坂. 江戸東京博物館
(B) Sado, Niigata  佐渡市
(a city located on Sado Island 佐渡島)
(C) Nishimikawa mura 西三川村 in Sado.

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