Aries Poon, 宏达国际进军虚拟现实领域. 华尔街日报, Mar 2, 2015
, which is based on, but is not a translation of,
Aries Poon, HTC Wanders Into Virtual-Reality Gear as Smartphones Lose Steam. Wall Street Journal, Mar 2, 2015 ... le-world-1425224702
(“Unlike Samsung’s Gear VR and Google Inc ’s cardboard virtual-reality goggles, HTC says its Vive system allows a user to walk around in the virtual world, instead of sitting in a chair to watch content like in a movie theater”)
My comment:
(a) Vive is a trademark. To be commercially available at “holiday season”--in November.
(b) But for the penultimate paragraph (show above), there is no need to read the rest of the succinct report (in Chinese or English). I left HTC for dead years ago. What is unusual about this report is the WSJ print uses bold face for the TEXT in.