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发表于 3-25-2015 17:38:18 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
cn.wsj.com, Mar 26, 2014 (available now)

, which is translated, a little bit, from

10 professions with the best job security. MarketWatch, Mar 20, 2015 (slide show).
www.marketwatch.com/story/10-pro ... security-2015-03-20

My comment: I wish you would read the original, which is much richer. For each profession, the original explains, which does NOT show up in the translation.

For example:

"10. Farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural managers
Unemployment rate, 2014: 1%
Median annual pay, 2012: $69,300
Employment change, 2012-2022: -19.3%
Only 1% of American farmers were unemployed last year, the 10th lowest unemployment rate among all occupations. Unlike many other professions, employment as a farmer may not guarantee economic stability. Nearly three-quarters of farmers were self-employed. And because farming equipment is expensive, and the overall investment necessary to be a farmer is very high, leaving the profession can be virtually impossible. The BLS forecasts a more than 19% decline in farming employment by 2022, one of only two low-unemployment professions where the BLS projected a decrease in employment."

So, America is not actually dominated by agribusinesses. East Fortune Rice, and China, may not be moving in the right direction.

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