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Chinese Developer Leads Transformation of LA's Skyline

发表于 5-3-2015 10:18:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Roger Vincent, Chinese Developer Leads Transformation of LA's Skyline. Los Angeles Times, May 3, 2015.
www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-c ... 20150503-story.html

My comment:
(a) "a feisty developer from China who is leading the transformation of downtown's skyline. As chief executive of Chinese development firm Greenland USA, I Fei Chang is overseeing $6 billion worth of real estate development in the US, making her one of the biggest developers in the country.  'I don't know of another woman in the country who is managing $6 billion in assets,' said Carol Schatz, president of the Central City Assn. of Los Angeles, a business advocacy group. 'I Fei Chang is an extraordinary woman doing what traditionally has been a man's job in a male-dominated culture.'  Chang, a Taiwan native and a Yale grad, takes pride in her ability to move quickly."
(i) I-Fei CHANG, CEO & President at Greenland US Holding Companies
上海綠地集團 美國子公司 總經理 張伊琲
(ii) her LinkedIn profile:
(A) education: CCIM 2004 – 2005; Yale University 1989 – 1993 (MArch, MED); Chung Yuan Christian University 中原大學 1984 – 1989 (BArch)
(a Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) * * * The designation is awarded by CCIM Institute [1954- ; based in Chicago; a global organization with more than 13,000 members]; Of the more than 150,000 commercial real estate professionals in the United States, only an estimated 6 percent hold the CCIM designation)
(C) MED; Research-based thesis program. Yale School of Architecture, undated

the first two paragraphs:

"The Master of Environmental Design program is a two-year research-based program of advanced architectural studies culminating in a written thesis or independent project. This full-residency program leads to a degree of Master of Environmental Design (MED). This is a nonprofessional degree and does not fulfill prerequisites for licensure.

"The program is intended for students, including postgraduate and mid-career professionals, who seek an academic setting to improve scholarship and research skills, to explore a professional or academic specialization, and to sharpen critical and literary expertise. The program provides foundation for a career in writing, teaching, curatorial work, or critically informed professional practice, and may, in some cases, provide a basis for future PhD studies in architecture and related fields

(iii) 王善言, 上海綠地進軍美國 台灣人任總經理. 世界新聞, April 29, 2015.

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 楼主| 发表于 5-3-2015 10:18:57 | 只看该作者
(b) Architect Rob "Jernigan would often encounter Chang in Gensler's LA office quietly at work with his team"
(i) Gensler
(M Arthur Gensler Jr & Associates, Inc; headquartered in San Francisco; Art and Drue Gensler, and their associate, James Follett, founded the firm in 1965)

Drue is the nickname of Arthur's wife Drucilla (nee Cortell).
(ii) Robert Jernigan, FAIA, LEED® AP, Regional Managing Principal, Gensler, undated
("As Managing Principal for the Southwest Region, Rob is responsible for Gensler offices in Los Angeles, San Diego, Newport Beach, Phoenix, Las Vegas and Denver, and he is also a member of Gensler’s Management Committee and recently served on the Board of Directors")
(A) For FAIA, see Fellow of the American Institute of Architects
(B) For LEED AP, see Leadership in Environmental Education and Design
(Developed by the US Green Building Council (USGBC); USGBC's Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI) offers various accreditations to people who demonstrate knowledge of the LEED rating system, including LEED Accredited Professional (LEED AP))

(c) I-Fei Chang "started her career as an architect in Japan during its last real estate boom [did not say exactly when]. She returned to her native Taiwan to work as a developer, convinced she could become an innovator 'with my Taiwan cultural roots and my American free mind,' she said. * * * Greenland Chairman Zhang Yuliang 張玉良 selected her to helm Metropolis and an even larger mixed-use project in New York as the company took a big leap into the US real estate market."

I-Fei Chang's profile in LinkedIn lists her "experience" (or, career) started in 2001, when she entered Greenland.
(d) But the photo that comes with the report shows a building method, while ubiquitous in Taiwan and China, is extremely rare in Massachusetts. I saw re-bar only once since my arrival here in 1989.
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