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发表于 5-9-2015 08:55:42 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(a) 朝鲜称战略潜艇水下成功试射弹道导弹. BBC Chinese, May 9, 2015 (photo)
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/worl ... a_submarine_missile

Note: Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) 朝鲜中央通讯社 (朝中社) is North Korea's.
(b) 朝鲜宣布试验潜射导弹.
www.voachinese.com/content/north ... 150509/2760927.html
("报道没有公布这次试射的具体日期和地点、以及导弹的射程。 * * * 有专家指出,朝鲜的潜艇舰队本身已经相当老旧")

My comment:
(i) There is no need to read the rest of this VOA report.
(ii) North Korea released the test-launch photos separately, through Rodong Sinmun.

The en.wikipedia.org says the hanja  is 勞動新聞 (1945- ).
(iii) Websites of both KCNA and Rodong Sinmun reported this in Korean, which I can not read. KCNA has English versions (only seven items of news on May 8, 201--the latest available--which does not include the test launch (purportedly conducted on Saturday, May 9, local time).

(2) Bill Gertz, North Korea Conducts Ejection Test of New Submarine Missile; Third sub-launched missile test by Pyongyang since November. Washington Free Beacon, May 5, 2015.


"The underwater ejection test of what the Pentagon is calling the KN-11 missile took place April 22 from an underwater test platform near the North Korean coastal city of Sinpo, located on the southeastern coast of the country about 100 miles from the Demilitarized Zone * * * The ejection test, which was gauged to have been successful by US intelligence agencies, is the third known test of the new submarine missile, indicating the missile program is a high-priority for the communist regime of Kim Jong Un.  Pentagon spokesman Lt Col Jeffrey Pool declined to comment, suggesting details of the test are classified.

"Current and former national security officials criticized the Obama administration for not doing more to counter the North Korean nuclear threat to the United States. 'This missile, along with the KN-08, happened on Obama’s watch and nothing has been done,' said a US intelligence official critical of the Obama administration.

"Earlier tests of the KN-11 took place Jan 23 from a sea-based platform—not a submarine—and another ejection test, in which a missile ejects from a launch system but does not go into flight, from a land-based static platform in October.

My comment:
(a) There is no need to read the rest of this report.
(b) Sinpo  新浦市 ("on the coast of the Sea of Japan (East Sea of Korea) in central South Hamgyŏng province 咸鏡南道, North Korea"  en.wikipedia.org (no need to visit its Web page which says nothing more and supplies no map))

* The name derived from the names of the principal cities of Hamhŭng 咸興 and Kyŏngsŏng 鏡城, Hamgyŏng province 咸鏡道 was split in 1896 into north and south provinces. en.wikipedia.org


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