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发表于 5-9-2015 09:38:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
BBC Chinese, May 9, 2015
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/busi ... _corruption_lihuabo
("在中国日前公布的国际刑警 '红色通缉令' 上位列第二位的 * * * 李华波已被新加坡官方遣返回国。中纪委的报道称,李华波是江西省鄱阳县财政局经济建设股原股长,他涉嫌贪污公款9400万元,2011年1月潜逃至新加坡。虽然中国与新加坡没有签署引渡条约,但中方向新加坡方面提出了司法协助请求。而新加坡也以以 '不诚实接受偷窃财产罪' 判处其15个月有期徒刑,并在李华波出狱当天将其遣返回国。* * * 据新加坡英文《海峡时报》在2013年4月1日的报道,当时51岁的李华波被控接受了超过18万新加坡元偷窃资金的罪名成立")

My comment: I can not find the report in Strait Times. But I find others. The more recent and important one first.
(a) Li Huabo v Public Prosecutor, Singapore High Court 133.
www.singaporelaw.sg/sglaw/laws-o ... cutor-2014-sghc-133
(paragraph 2: Li Huabo "is a Chinese National and a Singaporean Permanent Resident. Since 2006, he had been working as a section director at Poyang County Finance Bureau ('PCFB') in Jiangxi Province, earning about RMB3000 a month. He resigned from his job and moved from China to Singapore with his family in January 2011. In February 2011, a police report was filed by a complainant [not named in this opinion])
(i) Supreme Court of Singapore
(consists of the Court of Appeal and the High Court and hears both civil and criminal matters)
(ii) Judgment (law)
(section 4 Types of Judgment: Reserved Judgment: a judgment that is not given immediately after the conclusion of the hearing or trial)

It comes from English term: reserve the judgment (not jump to conclusions).
(iii) The "s" of the "s 411" in the opinion is shortened from "section."

(b) Shai Oster and Andrea Tan, Li Huabo, Corrupt Chinese Bureaucrat or Fall Guy?  BusinessWeek, Apr 28, 2013.
www.bloomberg.com/bw/articles/20 ... eaucrat-or-fall-guy

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