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发表于 5-21-2015 11:44:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
VOA Chinese, May 21, 2015
www.voachinese.com/content/raw-c ... 150521/2780762.html

, which is translated from a SNIPPET of

Sébastien Blanc, Communist China's Unlikely Catholic Outpost: Tibetans; Why many Catholic Tibetans have maintained the faith despite decades of persecution. AFP, May 21, 2015.
www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/afp/ar ... tpost-Tibetans.html

(a) Title of the report's French edition:
Les Tibétains catholiques, "fous de Dieu" en Chine communiste.

French English dictionary
* fou (from Latin [noun masculine] follis bag; plural fous, feminine [singular] folle, feminine plural folles--for both noun and adjective)
(noun masculine): "madman"
(adjective masculine): "mad, crazy"

English cognates: fool, folly
* oublié (adjective masculine): "forgotten"

(b) “French missionaries built the [wooden] church [at Baihanluo village]-- with a curved, Chinese-style roof -- at the end of the 19th century [1898].
(i) 云南省 怒江傈僳族自治州 贡山独龙族怒族自治县 丙中洛乡 白汉洛村
(ii) Mainly it was by 任安守 神父 Annet GENESTIER (1856-1937).

(c) "Pope Gregory XVI assigned Tibet to the Foreign Missions Society of Paris, shortly after China was forced to open its doors following its defeat in the First Opium War."
(i) Pope Gregory XVI
(1765 – 1846; reign 1831-1846)
(ii) Paris Foreign Missions Society

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 楼主| 发表于 5-21-2015 11:45:24 | 只看该作者
(d) “Heading up the [Nu] river valleys into the hills, cut off by snows in winter, they established ‘lost missions’ in a still largely traditional and theocratic society."
(A) Salween River
(The river [in Chinese] is actually named after the Nu tribe 怒族 that lives in the area but Chinese having no phonetic script had to use a character with a similar sound as Nu and that happens to be the character for rage(
(B) Salween: "A river called ‘Olive’ in Burmese [spelled ‘thanlwin,’ hence the river's Burmese name: Thanlwin]"
Oxford Index (reproducing the first 43 words of: John Everett-Heath, The Concise Dictionary of World Place-Names. 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, 2010)
(A) The same missionary built a second church, at 丙中洛乡 重丁村.
(B) "丙中洛原名 '丙中,' 藏語是箐溝邊的藏族寨子之意。 * * * 法國天主教傳教士任安守 * * * 重丁教堂前後花了十年時間, 於1935年落成。據說蓋大教堂時,任安守曾到香港去拍攝照片, 參照那裡的式樣, 把重丁大教堂蓋成法國式結構 * * * 重丁教堂在 '文革' 期間被 毀, 1996年在原址上重建, 規模遠小於過去的大教堂。現在, 正在按過去大教堂的規模縮小重建。任安守和 [重丁教堂司鐸 (漢族,四川人)] 李文增死後都安葬在了自己任職的 [重丁] 教堂邊"
(C) 司鐸  priest

See 祭司
(section 4.1 羅馬天主教和東正教: 羅馬天主教和東正教的宗教職位,在英文是priest,但是翻译到中文后未译为“祭司”,而译为“司铎”(“神父”))
(D) The first image of the video clip in the VOA Chinese is 重丁教堂, not 白汉洛教堂.

(e) "Constantin de Slizewicz, author of The Forgotten Peoples of Tibet"
(i) Constantin de Slizewicz, Les peuples oubliés du Tibet. Paris: Librairie Académique Perrin, 2007 (French, paperback).
(ii) Consult the French dictionary for “oublié.”

(f) " 'Tibetans are mad about God. They dedicate their lives to their faith. Tibetan Catholics don't convert by half [measure, way],' said de Slizewicz."

(g) "in a less intolerant climate, as many as 500 parishioners gather for festivals in Baihanluo, perched on a mountain spur in the southwestern province of Yunnan, and recall the Nu patriarch Zachary, who died around a decade ago aged more than 100. He escaped the Communist purges by fleeing to Taiwan, but returned after 30 years of exile to join in the local Catholic revival. 'Zachary put holy water from Lourdes, diluted in spring water, in every church in the neighbourhood,' said Zha Xi 扎西, 32, baptised Joseph. 'One drop was given to a sick believer, and three days later he was virtually cured.'  A Baihanluo native called to the priesthood, Joseph has studied at seminaries in Kunming and Chengdu, and is now preparing for the ministry."
(i) spur (n): "an angular projection, offshoot, or branch extending out beyond or away from a main body or formation; especially :  a ridge or lesser elevation that extends laterally from a mountain or mountain range"
(ii) I can not find Zachary's Chinese name.
(ii) Lourdes

(h) "Parish priest Han Sheng 韩生, 39 -- known as Father Francis * * * Father Francis echoes the official line [of Beijing] on the issue. 'Speaking of the Dalai Lama, we regard him highly as a religious leader,' he told AFP. 'But we don't want him to carry out separatist activities."

That is Father Francis, not Pope Francis.
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