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发表于 5-25-2015 07:17:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
May 25, 2015
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/trad/pres ... 150525_press_review
("《泰晤士報》說,去年有1500名中國富人趕在有關投資移民的規定變更前申請移民英國。這個數字比一年前增加了兩倍。申請人數的暴漲是因為英國在去年底改變了有關投資移民的規定,將最低投資數額翻倍,從100萬英鎊提高到200萬英鎊。 * * * 新的規定要求,投資的全部必需用來購買政府債券或股票及英國企業的借貸,而不能用來購置房產或將現金存入銀行。《泰晤士報》說,儘管來自中國的投資簽證 [investor visa] 申請者人數增加,但成功獲取簽證的人數卻從2013年的99%下降到去年的85%")

Note: Richard Ford, Wealthy Chinese Rush to Get UK Visas. London: The Times, May 25, 2015
(the first 507 words of 2013: "The number of wealthy Chinese people attempting to move to Britain tripled last year.  More than 1,500 sought to relocate to the UK by exploiting rules that allow entry to anyone who promises to invest in the British economy.  The surge in applications came before a change in the rules that doubled the minimum investment required from £1 million to £2 million.  Last year the Chinese economy was also hit by a downturn, encouraging wealthy Chinese to place their cash in safe havens such as Britain. The number of investor visa applications from Chinese nationals jumped from")

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