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TSMC’s 14 and 10nm

发表于 5-25-2015 08:49:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 簡永祥, 台積A9 獲蘋果追單. 經濟日報, May 25, 2015.

My comment:
(a) “蘋果認同台積電16奈米效能 yield 領先三星”
(b) Of course this is a rumor, because the source(s) are not identified. On the other hand, neither Samsung nor Intel discloses anything. See next.

(2) Jessica Lipsky, Samsung Ramps 10nm in 2016; FinFET roadmap aligns with TSMC's plans. EETimes, May 22, 2015.


"SAN FRANCISCO -- Samsung announced its next-generation process technology, a 10nm FinFET node, at a company event here. The announcement comes a month after Samsung detailed its 14nm process [supplying a link to (3) below]. Samsung was shy on specs, but said the process node will be in full production by the end of 2016, about the same time as its rival TSMC.

"Intel has been silent on 10nm thus far

(3) Jessica Lipsky, Samsung Describes Road to 14nm; FinFETs a challenge, FD-SOI an alternative. EETimes, Apr 16, 2015.
("The milestone [14nm] was a huge one for the Korean giant, beating rival TSMC to become the second chip maker after Intel to ship a 14nm FinFET chip. Kelvin Low, senior director of foundry marketing for Samsung Semiconductor[] told EE Times. Low would not comment on production volumes, yields, or the number of [electronics] devices using Samsung’s 14nm process")

My comment:
(a) The subtitle is short for "FinFETs WAS a challenge"--not "is." Mr Low was talking to EETimes how Samsung came up with 14nm--a history.
(b) There is no need to read the rest.

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