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China Confirmed a Wu-14 Test

发表于 6-14-2015 09:43:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Minnie Chan, China's Latest Hypersonic Vehicle Test Seen as 'Nuclear Deterrent' Amid US Interference. South China Morning Post, June 13, 2015.
www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomac ... -designed-reinforce


"The [PRC] defence ministry on Friday confirmed it had tested a supersonic nuclear delivery vehicle in a move the United States [actually Washington Free Beacon; US has not commented] has called an 'extreme manoeuvre' amid tensions in the South China Sea. * * * 'The scheduled scientific research and experiments in our territory is normal, and those tests are not targeted at any country and specific goals,' the ministry said in response to the South China Morning Post's query.

"The latest test took place [on Sunday, June 7, 2015] a day before Central Military Commission vice-chairman Fan Changlong left for a week-long visit to the US. Experts say the launch was timed to raise Fan's bargaining power in discussions with the US, as well as to express Beijing's disapproval of Washington's sustained interference in the South China Sea.

Note: Bill Gertz of Washington Free Beacon reported the same day (June 13) of the SCMP confirmation, though chaning the word "is" to "are"--to make it: "“The scheduled scientific research and experiments in our territory [are] normal, and those tests are not targeted at any country and specific goals." (brackets original)

My comment: There is no need to read the rest of SCMP report.

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