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重庆市巫溪县城厢镇 白马村

发表于 6-23-2015 15:41:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 凯瑞, 白马村的女人. 她在田间地头度过童年。中国农村的变迁给了小张以解放和机遇。这是一个关于她生活变迁的故事,也是她的国家变迁的故事。BBC Chinese, June 23, 2015
www.bbc.co.uk/news/resources/idt ... c-bc82-ec8274411849
(66岁向才平、到她41岁的女儿 [张启彩]、再到她11岁的孙女; 在拍摄的10年里 [follow-up for ten years])


"如果 [daughter] 洋洋是个男孩,有些事情就会不一样。首先,她的妈妈会担心绑架。 很多农民仍认为养儿防老,计划生育的规定意味着男孩供不应求,所以,贩卖男孩成了一门生意。我从没有看见洋洋的弟弟沛沛一个人走路回家。


, which is translated from

Carrie Gracie, The Village and the Girl. She spent her childhood working in the fields, feeding the family's pigs. The destruction of Rural China became for Xiao Zhang a liberation -- and an opportunity. This is the story of how her life changed as much as her country. BBC, June 23, 2015
www.bbc.co.uk/news/resources/idt ... a-a0eb-4ef064900f92

(a) "2007年二月,我们在工厂的宿舍见到长生 [小张的丈夫; 全名:龙江泽],他正准备踏上一年一次的返乡路。'我孩子还很小,我根本不想走 [leave my home]。 * * * 钱成为他们婚姻的痛点。2007年,长生回家过春节时,这个问题再次迸发出来。他想为了孩子,回家后就再也不走了。小张则认为孩子有一个家长在身边就行了,另一个可以在沿海找份工作,寄钱回家。' "
(b) "小张没有走,长生也没有回家。这种婚姻的僵局持续了十年。这十年里,他的父亲为钱与家里人吵架后喝鼠药自杀,这十年里,他们的儿子沛沛得了罕见的重病。"

The English original: "Xiao Zhang didn't leave and Changsheng didn't come home.  The stalemate in their marriage continued for a decade. It was a decade in which his father killed himself by drinking rat poison after a family argument over money, and in which their son Peipei suffered a rare and life-threatening disease."

It is clear from the English that "his father" means 长生's father -- and "their son," that of 长生 and 小张.
(c) " '我确实怀念以前地里种的新鲜的水果和蔬菜,' 小张说。 '但我一点也不喜欢种地。太累了,我一点都不怀念。' ”

The English original: “ 'I do miss the fresh fruit and vegetables we used to grow on our own fields,' admits Xiao Zhang.  '' But there's nothing I enjoyed about farming. It was hard labour and I don't miss that for a moment.' ”

The English sentence clearly indicates Xiao Zhang spoke both sentences.

(2) Carrie Gracie, The Fastest Changing Place on Earth. BBC, Mar 5, 2012 (a synopsis).

(a) There is no Chinese translation then, from BBC.
(b) a video:
BBC Documentary This World The Fastest Changing Place on Earth. YouTube.com, published by "DocHeaven" on July 27, 2013 (length: 58:41)

(3) Carrie Gracie, White Horse Village - Changing China. BBC, June 21, 2006.

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