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South China Sea

发表于 6-27-2015 06:59:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 6-27-2015 09:51 编辑

David Brunnstrom, US Compares China's South China Sea Moves to Russia's in Ukraine. Reuters, June 26, 2015.
http://www.reuters.com/article/2 ... USKBN0P62O120150626
(" 'In both eastern Ukraine and the South China Sea, we’re witnessing efforts to unilaterally and coercively change the status quo — transgressions that the United States and our allies stand united against,' [Deputy Secretary of State Antony] Blinken said in a speech at the Center for a New American Security think tank")

(a) The website, as well as the print, of New York Times republishes the report with a note at the end (of the report): "(Story refiles to remove extraneous word 'and' from last paragraph)."
(b) Maybe only Reuters picked up the nuance. BBC Chinese has not reported on this speech; VOA Chinese has a report titled "美副国务卿:中国行为把亚太国家赶到美国身边," June 26, 2015, which does not mention Russia or Ukraine.

(2) 王毅:中国有坚定信念和足够能力维护在南沙的合法权益. 中华人民共和国外交部, June 27, 2015

(a) It's 10:45 am, EDT. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, China released the statement one hour ago, according to Google.
(b) The quotation above leads to

Aditya Tejas, China Says Changing Position on Sea Dispute Would Shame Ancestors. Reuters, June 27, 2015.

(3) 中国再度向南海部署981钻井平台引发关注. VOA Chinese, June 27, 2015
http://www.voachinese.com/conten ... 150627/2839527.html
("美中在华盛顿举行的战略与经济对话刚刚落幕,中国 [海事局6月25日] 即突然宣布 * * * 新加坡媒体报道说,这次981平台的勘探位置仍在中越两国宣布的专属经济区的重叠地带 * * * 在去年围绕981钻井平台的冲突中,美联社曾报道说,2014年6月30日和7月2日,至少3架美国侦察机曾飞往中国设置钻井平台的南海海域,最近处距离981钻井平台上空仅200米")

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