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Twist and Turn in China’s Investment Abroad

发表于 6-28-2015 16:05:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) Tariq Panja and Alex Duff, How China Stepped into the Fifa Mess. Bloomberg BusinessWeek, June 29, 2015
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/ar ... s-soccer-king-falls


Wang Jianlin witnessed the re-election of Sepp Blatter at FIFA Congress. "At Wang’s side on May 29 sat another Blatter, Philippe, the nephew of the FIFA leader and chief executive officer of Infront Sports & Media AG, a sports-marketing company that does millions of dollars worth of business with FIFA.  Four days after the elder Blatter’s electoral victory, the 79-year-old Swiss executive announced he would resign from the FIFA presidency. * * * the resignation raises a vexing question for Wang: Now that his company’s $1.2 billion purchase of Infront has opened a channel to the Blatters, do those connections still matter?

“Wang, who is Asia’s richest man and worth about $43 billion according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index

(a) summary underneath the title in print: Its richest man buys a sports company run by Blatter’s nephew
(b) "Ma Dexing 马德兴, editor in chief of Titan Sports online 体坛网, China’s largest sports Web portal"
(c) "Liu Jianhong, chief content officer for Letv Sports Culture Development Co"  乐视体育首席内容官 刘建宏


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 楼主| 发表于 6-28-2015 16:06:13 | 只看该作者
(2) 米强 and 克林•霍普, 中国投资者:希腊捧着金饭碗讨饭. 金融时报, June 26, 2015

, which is translated from

Tom Mitchell and Kerin Hope, Chinese Investors Wary of Filling Greece’s Golden Begging Bowl. Financial Times, June 25, 2015
http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/5 ... 0-2e7db721f996.html
("Greek shipping companies * * * are the most important clients for Chinese shipyards")

My comment:
(a) I do not comprehend the translation at all.
(b) " 'Greece is like a beggar with a golden bowl,' says Yan Jiehe 严介和 * * * As long as Athens refused to share its golden bowl by offering foreign investors attractive terms, he said, it would fail to attract capital from companies such as his own privately held China Pacific Construction Group 中国太平洋建设集团.
(c) Greece’s “national electricity distributor, Admie”

(d) "To date, China’s highest profile Greek investment has been Cosco’s 35-year concession to run two terminals at Piraeus, southeast Europe’s largest port. It was intended as prelude to a bid for Athens’ sale of a 67 per cent stake in OLP, which oversees all of the port’s operations."

Piraeus Port Authority SA

OLP is its "Greek acronym."
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