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Officers Patrol on Water Buffalos in Brazil

发表于 6-29-2015 18:44:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Simon Romero, To Soften Image, Officers Patrol on Horned Beasts; Buffalos roam for crime in Brazil. New York Times, June 21, 2015
http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/2 ... -horned-beasts.html


"The buffalo unit started in the 1990s

" 'Water buffaloes are remarkable swimmers, better than dogs, and more agile than horses when it comes to moving through mud,' said José Ribamar Marques, an official on Marajó with Embrapa, the pioneering Brazilian research company that focuses on tropical ranching and agriculture.

"the buffaloes of Marajó have certain advantages.  Their widely splayed hooves allow them to move with relative ease through muddy swamps. They also seem to deal well with the punishing heat of Marajó, which sits almost directly on the Equator.

"Antenor Penante, 30, the manager of a family-owned tannery * * * proudly described how his business uses the dried penises of water buffaloes to make horse whips and riding crops.  'We don’t waste any part of the buffalo,' said Mr. Penante, pointing to a collection of purses made from buffalo scrotums in his tannery’s store.

(a) Marajó
(The island was the site of an advanced pre-Columbian society, the Marajoara culture [qv], which existed from approximately 400 BC to 1600 AD)

(b) “Their widely splayed hooves allow them to move with relative ease through muddy swamps.”
(i) Water Buffalo Hoof. TCM Wiki (TCM = traditional Chinese medicine), undated
(ii) Karen Kasmauski, Billy Goat Trail. May 2, 2013
(Mount Kilimanjaro [name origin and meaning unknown; 5,895 metres (19,341 ft) above sea level] in Tanzania; Masai or Maasai people; photo 4)

(c) Since 1982 park rangers’ mounted unit patrols Boston Commons and Public Gardens atop horses. The side effect is manure.  Oddly this report does not discuss this issue.

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