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Bloomberg BusinessWeek, July 27, 2015 (I)

发表于 7-25-2015 10:35:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) Lulu Chen and Dexter Roberts, China Wants Silicon Valleys Everywhere.
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/ar ... -valleys-everywhere
(“With homegrown champions such as Baidu attracting top talent, Beijing’s Zhongguancun high-tech district has since 2003 created the most software companies valued at more than $1 billion each. Only the US has created more, according to venture capital investor Atomico. The allure of Zhongguancun comes from the camaraderie that promotes brainstorming in the district’s coffee shops and at the numerous forums that attract the city’s brightest electronics innovators”)

(a) summary underneath the title in print: Local officials are setting up special high-tech zones all over
(b) quotation underneath the title in print: ‘Are they likely to become major hubs of innovation?  Most * * * not likely’
(c) "Changsha’s high-tech zone is 15 times the size of New York’s Central Park. * * * Entrepreneurs who started out in Hunan have formed Hu Xiang Hui 湖湘汇, meaning the Hunan Club, to promote Changsha’s and the zone’s advantages. The club’s members include Hugo Shong [会长]熊晓鸽 [a US citizen], a well-known venture capitalist [a founding partner of IDG Capital Partners (IDG 资本)]; Yao Jingbo 姚劲波, founder of classified ads website 58.com 58同城 [分类]; and Jeffrey Zeng 曾之杰, head of the venture capital unit of Citic Capital Holdings.”
(i) International Data Group
(headquarters Boston; section 2.2.2 IDG in China)


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 楼主| 发表于 7-25-2015 10:37:41 | 只看该作者
(2) Lorenzo Totaro and Vernon Silver, Italy Leans While Greece Tumbles.
www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/ ... hile-greece-tumbles

(a) summary underneath the title in print: It’s deep in debt but has manufacturing and prudent banks

(b) “Rome-based Eni, Europe’s No. 4 oil company, is pumping 1.7 million barrels per day globally”
(i) ENI
(The name "ENI" was initially the acronym of "Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi" (national hydrocarbons authority); The Italian government owns a 30.303% golden share [qv for history] in the company)
(ii) Italian English dictionary
* ente (noun masculine; from Latin [noun neuter] ēns [being]): "corporation, body; being; entity"
* società (noun feminine; etymology: The senses of "association" and "company" were borrowed later): "society; association; company"
* finanziaria (noun feminine): "investment company, finance company"
* meccanica (noun feminine): "mechanics (science)"
* cantiere (noun masculine; plural: cantieri): "shipyard"
* capitale (noun feminine): "capital city"
(The same Italian word is a noun masculine when it means "(economics) capital")
* Roma (proper noun; from Latin Rōma): "Rome"
* terme (noun feminine; plural termi): "thermal baths [baths = 澡堂]"

(c) “Finmeccanica sells helicopters to corporations and armed forces from the UK to China. Carnival cruise liners are made in Fincantieri’s Trieste shipyard. * * * Among European manufacturers, Italy trails only Germany in production.”
(i) 1948 - 1960 Reconstruction in Italy and the beginnings of Finmeccanica. In History. Finmeccanica, undated
www.finmeccanica.com/en/siamo-fi ... /storia-1948-1960-1
(“The Società Finanziaria Meccanica - Finmeccanica was founded on 18 March 1948 by the IRI-Istituto per la Ricostruzione Industriale (Italian Institute for Industrial Reconstruction) to manage all the holdings in the mechanical engineering and shipbuilding industry acquired in the first fifteen years of the Institute’s existence”)
(ii) Carnival Cruise Lines (American owned; based in Doral, Florida, a suburb of Miami) Wikipedia
(iii) Fincantieri
(based in Trieste, Italy; formed in 1959 and is owned by the Italian state; the largest shipbuilder in Europe; builds both commercial and military vessels)
(A) History. Fincantieri, undated
("Founded in December 1959 as a financial holding company")
(B) For the rest of the company name, see Italian definitions in (b)(ii).
(iv) Chris Rhodes, Manufacturing: International Comparisons. UK Parliament, June 18, 2015 (No. 05809)
www.parliament.uk/briefing-paper ... p;ct=clnk&gl=us

(d) "The Greeks? They’ve got 'tourism and shipping and little else,' says Marc Ostwald, a fixed income strategist at ADM Investor Service in London. * * * With 60 million residents, Italy is more than five times as populous as Greece [2012 census: 10.8m]. * * * Italy’s strength as an industrial exporter has provided stability, helping the country build up gold reserves of $90 billion—the world’s third-biggest stash after the US and Germany and more than 20 times what Greece holds.”
(e) "Every month the ECB buys €60 billion of bonds from member states. That’s pushed yields to near historic lows, allowing Italy to borrow cheaply.”

This is European version of quantitative easing, which European Central Bank has conducted since Mar 9, 2015.
(f) "Ivo Pezzuto, who teaches economics at Università Cattolica in Milan.”

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
(private; Established 1921; Affiliation  Catholic Church; Location Milan)
(g) Italy's "Prime Minister Matteo Renzi [prime minister since 2014], 40, Italy’s youngest leader since Benito Mussolini [1883-1945 execution by Italian communists' prime minister 1922 (age 39) - 1943)]"
(h) "And the city [Rome] has earned a new nickname: 'Mafia Capitale.' * * * Want to see a crime in progress? Just stand on the subway platform under the Roma Termini train station, and you’ll spot pickpockets at work within minutes."

Roma Termini railway station
(It [station] is named after the district of the same name, which in turn took its name from ancient Baths of Diocletian [Latin: Thermae Diocletiani (built by Diocletian, Roman emperor 284-305]; Italian: Terme di Diocleziano], which lie across the street from the main entrance")
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