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Taiwan's First Newspaper Commemorates 130 Years

发表于 7-29-2015 15:48:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Huang Wen-huang and Chen Wei-ha, Taiwan’s First Newspaper Commemorates 130 Years. Taipei Times, July 30, 2015 (available now).
http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/ ... 15/07/30/2003624244

My comment:
(a) I have not heard of it.

(b) "To celebrate its 130th anniversary, the Chinese-language Taiwan Church News — the first newspaper in Taiwan — launched a commemorative pen as a tribute to British missionary Thomas Barclay, who founded the publication in 1885 and devoted his life to Taiwan."
(i) Taiwan Church News  台灣教會公報社 (based in 台南市)
(ii) 巴克禮牧師. 台灣教會公報社, undated

(c) "The edition was printed in romanized Hoklo (commonly known as Taiwanese) using peh-oe-ji orthography, or church romanization, Taiwan Church News director Fang Lan-ting (方嵐亭) said.  Fang said that the publication grew from the Taiwan Prefecture City Church News, first issued on July 12, 1885 — the first newspaper in Taiwan."
(i) Hok-lo  福佬話/ 河洛話
(ii) pe̍h-ōe-jī  白話字
(POJ; section 1 Name)
(iii) Chapter 7 台灣教會公報.  In 賴永祥, 教會史話. Volume 1 第一輯. 臺南人光出版社, 1990
("臺灣府城教會報的正名是 Tai-oan-hu-sia Kau-hoe-po,英文名是 Taiwan Prefectural City Church News。 臺灣教會公報,白話字正名是 Taioan Kau-hoe Kong-po,今使用英文名是 Taiwan Church News")
(iv) The newspaper is published in traditional Chinese (since 1969, when government banned POJ publication).


(d) Thomas "Barclay founded the [Tainan] Theological College and Seminary 台南神學院 [located at City of Tainan; 長老教會 Presbyterian--founded by a Scot named John Knox (c 1514 –1572)] in 1876, following his arrival in Tainan from Scotland the year prior."

(e) "On the eve of the Japanese army’s advance on Tainan, Barclay and an English missionary, Duncan Ferguson, persuaded the Japanese army commander and governor of Taiwan, NOGI Maresuke 乃木 希典, not to take punitive measures following the capitulation, Fang said.  This year marked the 120th anniversary of the Tainan surrender"
(i) 台灣民主國 (May 24- Oct 23, 1995; 通貨 清国元):
(A) 大總統 唐景崧, 首都 台北 (May -June 1995)
(B) 大總統  劉永福, 首都 台南 (June - October 1995)

from Japanese Wikipedia
(ii) Governor of Taiwan 台湾総督 (of Japan; according to Japanese Wikipedia):
1st 樺山 資紀 (海軍大将; 任命日 May 10, 1995)
2nd 桂 太郎 (陸軍中将; 任命日 June 2, 1896)
3rd 乃木 希典 (陸軍中将; 任命日 Oct 14, 1896)
4th 児玉 源太郎 (陸軍中将; 任命日 Feb 26, 1898)
(iii) The newspaper was WRONG to say Governor of Taiwan who accepted Tainan surrender was Nogi. It was Sukenori KABAYAMA 樺山 資紀-- and Japanese Wikipedia says so.  
(iv) 乙未戦争
(1895 = 乙未年; 戦力 (Strength): Japan 37,000人, Taiwan 官軍 35,000人 plus 義兵 100,000人; 損害 (Casualties and losses): Japan 戦死 164人 病死 4,642人 負傷 515人, Taiwan 死傷 14,000人)
(v) Japanese English dictionary
* mare まれ 《稀(P); 希》 (n): "rare, seldom"
* kaba かば(樺) (n): "birch (esp Japanese white birch)"

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