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July 31 洪秀柱 Campaigned at 嘉義 板陶窯

发表于 8-1-2015 08:27:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 周怡孜, 洪秀柱下鄉參觀 與蔡英文「擦盤而過」.  風傳媒, July 31, 2015.

(a) About  關於板陶窯. undated
(b) 交趾陶

(2) 洪秀柱「給自己的信」地址該寫哪?民眾:南京總統府啊. 三立新聞網 , Aug 1, 2015.

My comment:
(a) Taiwan is in uproar. The Ma administration wants to revise history textbooks of high school, to say, among other things, capital IS Nanking. High schools students and Minister of Education have been logging horn, but at the insistence of the Minister, the revision is implemented today.
(b) Julie Makinen, Taiwan students storm legislature, Education Ministry in Curriculum Protest , Los Angeles Times, July 31, 2015.
http://www.latimes.com/world/asi ... 20150731-story.html

the last two paragraphs:

Minister "Wu [Se-hwa 吳思華] is unlikely to step down and the government is unlikely to freeze or mothball the proposal, Cole said. The Nationalists are behind in the polls for the 2016 election, he noted, while Tsai is ahead.

" 'With their expected loss in the Jan 16 elections, there is less pressure on [the Nationalists] to do what society wants, so the Ma administration could very well stick to its position,' he said. 'Looks like we might be in this for the long haul.'

* This report introduces Mr J Michael Cole (a Canadian) as "a senior non-resident fellow at the University of Nottingham's China Policy Institute and a researcher at the Thinking Taiwan Foundation, a think tank launched in 2012 by Tsai Ing-wen."
* There is no need to read the rest of this report, because you as an outsider may not be interested in the intricacies within Taiwan.
* Last year's Sunflower Student Movement  太陽花學運 were staffed by college students.
(c) That is why some Taiwanese taunt Ms Hung 洪秀柱 for politically incorrect, by placing presidential office in Taipei as opposed to in Nanking.

(3) '中华民国首都在哪里?'  蓝营出现内讧.  BBC Chiese, Aug 1, 2015
("执政的国民党立法委员蔡正元 [台北市] 在其脸书上发文称 ‘抱歉!面对现实!不论说在南京 或说在台北,都于法无据!。’  他在文中表示,中华民国的宪法或者法律都没有 ‘规定’ 首都在哪里”)

(4) Regarding the controversy over textbook revision.
(a) 洪嘆孩子難教: 「都不滿意啦!這也不滿意、那也不滿意,到底不滿意什麼他也說不出來。」. Liberty Times, Aug 1, 2015.
(b) “国民党下届总统参选人洪秀柱此前则说此之课纲只是扭转李登辉至陈水扁时期去中国化修改,且 ’调整的幅度仍然太小.’  BBC, Aug 1, 2015.

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