杰安迪, 财、色、权力:少林CEO面前的魔障. 纽约时报中文网, Aug 6, 2015
, which is translated from
Andrew Jacobs, Money, Lust and Kung Fu: Shaolin’s ‘CEO Monk’ Under Fire. New York Times, Aug 6, 2015.
(a) "DENGFENG, China — * * * The boing of a giant bronze bell calling the faithful to prayer. This is the scene at the fabled Shaolin Temple, a cradle of kung fu and Zen Buddhism"
(i) Dengfeng 河南省郑州市 登封市
(ii) boing (n): "The noise representing the sound of a compressed spring suddenly released"
(iii) "达摩一苇渡江,在河南嵩山少林寺的山洞中面壁九年" Wikipedia
(b) "he told the BBC elliptically during a visit to London last year"
The adjective "elliptical" has a noun counterpart: "ellipsis."
("marks or a mark (as …) indicating an omission (as of words) or a pause")