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发表于 8-12-2015 18:04:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
BBC Chinese, Aug 12, 2015.
http://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp ... _china_oneill_part1

(a) "翻开1936年的一份《长老会先驱报》,奥尼尔先生的大幅照片为封面的形象印入我的眼帘,那是他因为在海外传教的成就当选为爱尔兰长老会大会轮值主席(Moderator)后,短暂从东北返回北爱时的照片。"
(i) Presbyterian Herald. Presbyterian Church in Ireland, undated
https://www.presbyterianireland. ... Presbyterian-Herald
("The Presbyterian Herald is the official magazine of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. It has a circulation of 12,000")

I fail to find out when the weekly (magazine) was first published.
(ii) list of Moderators of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li ... n_Church_in_Ireland
(The Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland is the most senior office-bearer within the Presbyterian Church in Ireland; "1936 FWS O'Neill (Belfast)")

(b) "奥尼尔先生和部分传教士同事们都曾在报告中提及东北当地的中国人和从控制满洲铁路开始、不断加剧侵略东北的日本侵略者之间的矛盾。"

Not 满洲铁路. 南满铁路  South Manchuria Railway
(1906-1945; headquarters Dalian; ran from Lüshun Port at the southern tip of the Liaodong Peninsula to Harbin, where it connected to the Chinese Eastern Railway 东清铁路 [constructed by Russians])
(c) "弗里德里克·奥尼尔先生从小生长在北爱尔兰一个宗教氛围浓厚的富裕家庭里,毕业于当地精英就读的中学和女王大学。"

Queen's University Belfast
(1810- )
(d) "英国作家马克·奥尼尔在其所著的《闯关东的爱尔兰人》一书中说,他 [Mark] 曾在北爱遇到当年在东北传教的年迈的修女,听她们述说上世纪30年代冒着零下30度严寒、坐着马车在乡间穿梭的往事。"

The book title 闯关东的爱尔兰人 is NOT the literal translation of
Mark O'Neill,  Frederick: The Life of My Missionary Grandfather in Manchuria. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing 三聯書店, 2012
(e) "他认识到学习中国文化的重要性,抵达中国后立即开始学习中文,并取中文名 '倪斐德,' 他很快还从英国接来未婚妻安妮(并要求她必须学汉语),两人在中国结婚生子,以法库为基地安家立业。从27岁 [1897 when he first arrive in Manchuria] 到72岁,除了间或跋涉重洋短暂返回欧洲,倪斐德夫妇在法库乡间居住了长达近半个世纪 [45 years, to be precise]。"
(f) "教会创办的盛京医院就在东北多年的战乱动荡中救治了无数中国官兵和百姓的伤病。"

Dugald Christie (1855-1936)

Mukden Medical College. McGill University, undated
("Dr Dugald Christie, a Scottish missionary doctor, whose son, Ronald,  later became Dean of Medicine at McGill University in Montreal. Dr Christie, who was supported by the Edinburgh-based United Presbyterian Church, opened a 12-bed hospital in Mukden (now called Shenyang) in 1883 - the Sheng Jing Hospital")
(g) "研究二战历史的日本记者德本荣一郎近年查阅了当年日本侵略军的历史文件。"

徳本 栄一郎  Eiichiro TOKUMOTO

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