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专家:习近平访美 白宫国宴可能硌牙

发表于 9-8-2015 15:37:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 9-8-2015 15:47 编辑

VOA Chinese, Sept 8, 2015.
www.voachinese.com/content/voa-n ... 150908/2952819.html

My comment:
(a) I am confused after reading this report, For one, will there be 国家元首待遇,鸣礼炮21响和国宴?  US has not necessarily awarded 21响 or 国宴 to a visiting head of state, but not 国家元首待遇?  
(b) "金德芳 * * * 说:' * * * 美国亲中的海军上将洛克利尔2013年说,最大的威胁是全球变暖 ,而不是中国,因此没有被任命为参谋长联席会议主席,这个席位由不那么亲中的人士接任了。' "

Well, I can not find anything in the Web to collaborate this statement. Contrast

Dan Lamothe, A look at Adm Samuel Locklear and Other Possible Joint Chiefs Chairman Frontrunners. Washington Post, Mar 10, 2015.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/n ... irman-frontrunners/


"Locklear is mixed up in the so-called 'Fat Leonard' investigation, in which federal authorities are researching the ties that Malaysian contractor Leonard Glenn Francis had to top Navy officials. Francis pleaded guilty in January in a corruption scandal, and prosecutors have indicated they are targeting others who are involved.

"Locklear would offer several pluses for the White House if selected to replace Army Gen Martin E Dempsey, who has held the position [Chairman of Joint Chief of Staff] since October 2011. First, if clear of the corruption scandal, he [Locklear]

"The admiral [Locklear] also appears to align well with Obama on some major national security issues. Both men have called for careful dialogue with China, and Locklear was among the first senior military officer to call climate change a major national security issue. He turned heads in March 2013, saying in an interview with The Boston Globe that it was his biggest threat in the Pacific, and backing his point up under questioning on Capitol Hill a month later.

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