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发表于 9-9-2015 09:47:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
My comment: There is no need to read text of the VOA report--just the title. The title of the cn.nytimes.com does not reflect the content of the NYT report. Rather, the titles in both VOA and English-language NYT reports are what the content say.

(1) 习近平的下马威:访美期间召开西雅图科技论坛. VOA Chinese, Sept 9, 2015.
www.voachinese.com/content/seatl ... -visit/2953950.html

(2) Paul Mozur and Jane Perlez, 中国在美举办科技峰会,科技巨头积极响应.

, which is translated from

Paul Mozur and Jane Perlez, China Flexes Tech Muscles Before a Visit; White House rankled by Xi's power play. New York Times, Sept 9, 2015 (one of the two top-most reports in the front page)
("The meeting is rankling the Obama administration by veering off the script agreed to for Mr. Xi’s carefully stage-managed visit, two American officials said. There are also concerns the meeting could undercut President Obama’s stern line on China by portraying its leadership as constructively engaging American companies about doing business in China, even as the administration suggests American companies are hurt by anticompetitive Chinese practices.  For many American tech companies, the invitation is hard to turn down because of the vast opportunities of China’s tech market")

Excerpt in the window of print: At take is how the global internet will be managed.


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