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Japanese Princess's Secret Year in Leicester

发表于 9-20-2015 12:24:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
PA_Warzynski, Japanese Princess's Secret Year in Leicester. Leicester Mercury, Sept 18, 2015.
http://www.leicestermercury.co.u ... 7-detail/story.html

(a) Regarding "PA_Warzynski." Leicester Mercury's website says his name is Peter Warzynski (presumably "A" is middle initial) and "user name": PA_Warzynski.  
(b) Leicester
(county town of Leicestershire; lies on the River Soar; burial place of King Richard III [reign 1483-1485; killed in Battle of Bosworth Field; reburied in Leicester in March 2015; Bosworth Field is 18km or 11 miles (air distance) west of Leicester]; section 1 Name)

(c) “Princess Mako of Akishino, first-born granddaughter of * * * Emperor Akihito”
(i) Princess Mako of Akishino  眞子内親王
(elder daughter of Fumihito, Prince Akishino and Kiko, Princess Akishino 文仁親王妃 紀子; the first-born granddaughter of the reigning Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko)
(A) The “ma” and “shin” is Japanese and Chinese pronunciations, respectively, of kanji 真.
(B) ja.wikipedia.org: 内親王 (pronunciation; nai-shinō)  = princess; 親王 (pronunciation: shinō) = prince
(ii) Fumihito, Prince Akishino  秋篠宮文仁親王
(1965- ; second son of Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko 美智子 皇后 and currently second in line to the Chrysanthemum Throne)
(iii) ja.wikipedia.org: Currently in Japan there are four 宮家:


(A) What is 宮家?  

Emperor of Japan may confer 賜 a title 宮号 to males of his family members (children, nephews), which may be passed down 世襲. The male will then be ○○宮 and his wife, ○○宮妃, and his family (wife, children) will constitute 宮家.
(B) For example: In 1984, 昭和天皇 conferred 高円宮 on 憲仁親王 (1954-2002) who was the emperor’s nephew 甥 and third son of 三笠宮崇仁親王. 憲仁親王 passed away, so his wife 憲仁親王妃 久子 assumed 当主 of 高円宮.
(iii) Emperor Akihito 明仁 has three children: 徳仁親王 (1960- ) - 皇太子; 文仁親王 (1965- ) - 秋篠宮; and Mrs Sayako KURODA 黒田慶樹夫人 (1969- ),
(A) Emperor Akihito’s daughter is now known as Sayako KURODA 黒田清子 or 黒田慶樹夫人.
(formerly Sayako, Princess Nori 紀宮清子内親王; section 2 Marriage and change in status: At 36 married the 40-year-old best friend of her brother)

* nori = 紀 (though usually “nori” is represented by a different kanji 典. See (e).
(B) “To prepare for the dramatic shift to commoner status, Sayako has taken driving lessons and practiced shopping at supermarkets.” Francie Grace, Japan Loses A Princess. Associated Press, Nov 15, 2005.

(d) 秋篠宮文仁親王
(i) 秋篠 is 奈良県奈良市 秋篠町 and its vicinity.
(ii) 篠 (pinyin: xiǎo) is a species of (dwarf) bamboo unique to Japan (Sasamorpha borealis, whose maximum height is 6 feet)..

(e) Japanese English dictionary
* miya  宮 【みや】 (n): "(1) [shintō] shrine; (2) palace; imperial residence; (3) (hon[orific]) member of the imperial family"
* tōshu 当主 【とうしゅ】 (n): “(present) head of a family”
* saya 明; 清 【さや】 (adv): "(1) (arch[aic]) clearly; brightly; (2) cleanly; purely"
* nori 典 【のり】 (n): "rule; law"


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