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发表于 10-1-2015 08:03:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
林楠森, 台湾来鸿: 奇特的国民党2016大选. BBC Chinese, Oct 1, 2015
www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp/taiwan ... nge_tw_kmt_election
但这名被星云法师称将 '领导台湾大家都做中国人' 的总统参选人自比岳飞的问题是,她并不是岳飞那样的战将。若真被十二道金牌召回,政治评论员说那是因国民党担心她不仅将难堪败选,且会连带拖垮立委选举")

(i) I searched the Web, and 洪秀柱 on Sept 27, 2015 did say 希望不要有岳飞最后遭遇. But I fail to find she said 十二道金牌召回 or part of the term.
(ii) You see, she did not say it without any prompt. The occasion is that day she went to Kaohsiung as a guest of 佛光山 星云法师, when 重庆关岳庙 presented 岳飞铜像 to 佛光山 in a ceremony.
(iii) In comments to the news, a certain "Larry Chen · 新北市" did jeer: "中國國民黨不發十二道金牌,就準備亡黨吧!"  But the bottom line is 洪 herself id not say 十二道金牌.

(b) "近期又有一名已连任七届的国民党资深立委黄昭顺宣布弃选,这种被称为跳船的现象或许已见怪不怪,但奇特之处在国民党改派的参选者,是被马英九称为 '害虫'的前陆委会副主委张显耀。
(i) A woman whose father was a noted politician, 黄昭顺 represents part of Kaohsiung.
(ii) After the nominated 黄昭顺 withdrew, KMT on Sept 24, 2015  征召s 张显耀, who was a legislator 立法委員: "第六屆親民黨高雄市 [2005-2008]、第七屆國親聯盟推薦不分區 [nominated by KMT; term: 2008-2012]"
(A) The zh.wikipedia.org is wrong to say that he was "第5屆立法委員(2002-2005)."
(B) 不分區立法委員 is legislator-at-large. Taiwan's legislative election is modeled after Japan's, where a voter casts two votes: one for a local legislator and the other in the legislator-at-large race for a POLITICAL PARTY (not for  an individual, that is), which then gets a certain number of legislator-at-large seats according to the ratio of votes in that particular race (if and only if the party receives more than 5% of votes in that race).   

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