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Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Oct 5, 2015 (II)

发表于 10-3-2015 15:20:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 10-3-2015 15:22 编辑

(4) Investment Schemes Lure China’s Pensioners.
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/ar ... -returns-free-lunch

(a) summary underneath the title in print: Private companies target elderly investors looking for high returns
(b) quotation underneath the title in print: “My experience is, don’t stick with any company for too long”

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 楼主| 发表于 10-3-2015 15:22:17 | 只看该作者
(5) The feature story is:

The New Money Issue; New ideas, new challenges, new fortunes, Who decided “new money” was a pejorative, anyway? On topics from coffee (p78) to inheritance (p74) to so-gaudy-it’s-brilliant architecture (p66), this issue features fresh thinking from the young—whether they’re hopeful debtors (p60), lonely millionaires (p52), or somewhere in between (p50)

, which is an umbrella of 10 articles. Only “Children of Yuan Percent” has text that spans more than two pages.

(A) p52: Children of the Yuan Percent. The fuerdai, China’s second-generation rich kids, are the most loathed group in the country. They’re also its future.
www.bloomberg.com/news/features/ ... s-china-s-rich-kids

(a) Jason Zhang “wore a $5,500 IWC watch because, he said, he’d lost his expensive one. * * * So this was it: I had found, in the wild, one of the elusive breed known in China as the fuerdai, or ‘second-generation rich.’ ”

International Watch Company
(b) "Recently, the son [王思聪] of Wang Jianlin 王健林 * * * trolled the nation by posting a photo of his dog wearing two gold Apple Watches, one on each forepaw."

troll (vi, vt): “informal  make a deliberately offensive or provocative online post with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them”
http://www.oxforddictionaries.co ... rican_english/troll
(c) “Identifying the centimillionaire scions among the riffraff was difficult. The fuerdai trickled in, dressed the same as everyone else in the restaurant—in tank tops, button-downs, jeans, flip-flops. The only giveaway was the liquor they brought: French Champagne and a bottle of Maotai, the choicest brand of baijiu. Martin Hang, the gregarious organizer of the dinner and editor of a magazine called Fortune Generation 《接力》杂志 [出品人杭佳一, a member of a Relay China Youth Elite Association 接力中国青年精英协会 and a son of 杭云龙] (no relation to the US publication), introduced everyone. The dozen guests included Wang Daqi 王大骐 [nonfiction 财富的孩子 (June 2015)], 30, son of a famous business consultant [王志纲], who had recently written a book about rich kids in China; Albert Tang, 20, a philosophy student at Bard whose father runs a major Beijing publishing house; and Sophia Cheng, 27, the only woman in the group.”

centi- (combining form; Latin centum hundred):
“1: hundred
2: one hundredth part of something”
(d) “Relay’s members dropped the fu (‘wealthy’) from fuerdai and started to refer to themselves using a new term, chuangerdai 创, which means ‘second-generation entrepreneurs’ ”

(B) The Global Barista Survey.
www.bloomberg.com/news/photo-ess ... obal-barista-survey
(No 2: “Yanan ZANG, Shanghai”)
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