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Empire of Rock 岩石帝國 : 國家地理雜誌

发表于 10-27-2015 17:58:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 10-27-2015 17:59 编辑

McKenzie Funk, Empire of Rock; Explorers use a laser scanner to see China's giant caverns as never before. National Geographic, July 2014.
("Southern China holds the world's largest concentration of the eroded topography called karst. For more than 600 million years, this region was covered by a sea and accumulated miles-thick layers of sediments, including limestone. Uplift and erosion of the geological formation created today's massive caverns”)

(a) map:
(i) Enshi [grand] Canyon 湖北省恩施土家族苗族自治州 恩施市 恩施大硖谷
(A) Stone Forest Geopark  石林地质公园
(B) Titan Chamber  地潭大廳
(C) Yanzi caves  贵州赤水市 燕子岩国家森林公园
(D) Leye-Fengshan Geopark   广西 乐业-凤山地质公园:
  Dashiwei Tiankeng  广西壮族自治区百色市乐业县 大石围天坑群
  Hong Meigui Chamber  红玫瑰大厅 (“由美国红玫瑰洞穴俱乐部的探险队命名” (copied from the Web))
(E) Crown Cave  广西壮族自治区桂林市雁山区 冠岩
(F) Moon Hill  廣西壯族自治區陽朔縣 月亮山 (check images.google.com)

(b) 水塘河 (格凸河)
(c) "Some of the largest caves in the world are found in the thick limestone rock underlying Guangxi and Guizhou Province. At one end of the Gebihe cave system is the Miao Room 苗厅 ['是云南省紫云格凸河穿洞(Ziyun Getu He Chuandong)国立公园地下庞大的格必河(Gebihe)洞穴' (copied from the Web)], part of a large underground stream course, which ranks as Earth’s second largest known cave chamber by area, after Sarawak Chamber in Malaysia.”
(d) a rough translation of the report: 岩石帝國. 國家地理雜誌-中文網, Aug 8, 2014 (in the category of 影像藝廊)

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