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Two Updates on 馬習會

发表于 11-9-2015 16:12:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 新聞稿: 總統接見第一屆「國家金璽獎」得獎代表. 中華民國總統府, Nov 9, 2015
www.president.gov.tw/Default.asp ... =36078&rmid=514
("馬英九總統今(9)日上午接見第一屆「國家金璽獎」得獎代表 * * * 總統在與訪賓進行晤談時,提及前日兩岸領導人在新加坡會面的議題。針對有人質疑他為何在任期剩下不到半年,且總統大選將屆前進行「馬習會」。總統重申,「其實這件事情我們差不多醞釀了兩年」。兩年前,中國大陸提出「馬習會」的構想,也讓我政府思考其可行性,「我們希望把這七年來所締造的成果,能某種程度的固定起來 * * * 訪賓一行10餘人,由「工商建設研究會」理事長廖萬隆率領、經濟部長鄧振中陪同,前來總統府晉見總統")

(2) 王寓中, 習未提一中 馬主動倒貼. Liberty Times Nov 9, 2015

My comment:
(a) I was unsure whether this report was true, naming no sources (as often the case in Taiwan). So I did not introduce it to you earlier (yesterday or this morning).
(b) However, office of the president, Taiwan released the press release, which confirms at least one point in the Liberty Times report, which is China proposed the meeting two years ago -- something not in public domain prior to the press release..
(c) This Liberty Times report was in print Nov 9, but online Nov 8 (eg, Nov 8, ~6 pm Eastern Standard Time).

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