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Japan Makes Every Effort to Co-opt Seniors

发表于 12-4-2015 09:19:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Jacob M Schlesinger and Alexander Martin, Graying Japan Looks for a Silver Lining; Japan’ 60-, 70-, even 80-year-olds prove more vigorous than earlier generations. Wall Street Journal, Nov 30, 2015 (front page; in the series “2050: Demographic Destiny”)
http://www.wsj.com/articles/gray ... en-years-1448808028


(a) "A public works program launched by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been constrained by a shortage of young manual laborers.

(b) "Japan’s life expectancy is 87 years for women, the world’s longest, and five years more than in the U.. For men, it is 81—the third-longest in the world, and four years greater than in the US. Japan’s 'healthy life expectancy'—an estimate of the age a person can reach and still live independently—is the world’s longest for both women (75) and men (71), according to a study published in the Lancet, a medical-research journal.  A Japanese mountaineer two years ago became the first octogenarian to scale Mount Everest

(c) "Japan currently spends 10% of its economy on health care, about average for advanced economies and well below America’s 17%, despite a population skewed toward the most medically expensive age group.

"About one in five seniors work, nearly double the average for advanced economies in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. More than half of Japanese men aged 65 to 69 hold jobs, up from about 40% a decade ago.

"That, combined with more women workers, means the labor force has shrunk less than 1% over the past decade, even as the traditionally defined “working-age population” aged 15 to 64 dropped 8%, according to a June Barclay ’s report.

(d) "Elderly workers are also playing a crucial role filling Japan’s biggest labor shortage—nursing care for the still-older elderly. With unemployment already low, the labor ministry ]Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare 厚生労働省] estimates one-seventh of Japan’s unfilled jobs are in the nursing-care sector, a gap that will swell as needs expand.

(e) "Elder workers can only go so far replacing the shrinking number of Japanese half their age. By choice or physical necessity, many put in just a few hours a week. At the Kohitsuji-en こひつじ園 nursing home near Tokyo, its director estimates the 40 part-time senior workers there equal 'three or four' full-time employees.

(f) "In cases where older people simply can’t do the job or aren’t available, Japanese manufacturers are turning to robots, which help them keep costs down and continue growing. Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Japan’s largest bank, employs a small robot speaking 19 languages to greet customers * * * while industrial robot maker Fanuc Corp is designing machines that repair each other.

(g) "While new labor patterns and technologies alter the supply side of Japan’s economy, a parallel evolution is changing the demand side * * * Still less than one-third of the population, Japan’s seniors control about 60% of the country’s $14 trillion in household assets and account for about half of consumer spending, with many no longer saving for anything. * * * The elderly are already transforming aspects of Japan’s consumer market. When the government this year reviewed the basket of 588 items in the consumer-price index, it added hearing aids and knee supports, dropping school lunches and tennis-court fees. * * * The silver market has also sparked a boom in home reconstruction, to make residences easier for the elderly to live in.  Stores emphasize delivery more: 7-Eleven now takes meals to 730,000 homes, and sees the business doubling every year.

(h) "a falling population has made it harder for families to tend traditional graves.

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 楼主| 发表于 12-4-2015 09:21:33 | 只看该作者
My comment:
(a) This is a long report. There is no need to read the rest. If you do, hopefully the following will help.

(b) "67-year-old Kenichi Saito effortlessly stacks 44-pound boards with the ease of a man half his age. His secret: a bendable exoskeleton hugging his waist and thighs * * * Mr Saito is part of an experiment by Obayashi Corp, the construction giant * * * The Fujisawa Ai-kō-en 藤沢愛光園 [located at 神奈川県 藤沢市] nursing home about an hour outside Tokyo started leasing the 'hybrid assistive limb,' or HAL, exoskeletons from maker Cyberdyne Inc in June."
(i)  Ōbayashi Corp  株式会社大林組 (Yoshi-go-rō ŌBAYASHI 大林 芳五郎 1892年創業; headquarters Tokyo)
(ii) Japanese English dictionary:
* kumi 組(P); 組み(P) 【くみ】 (n,n-suf): "(1) (pronounced ぐみ [gumi] as a suffix) set (of items); (2) group (of people); class (of students); company (esp construction); family (ie mafia); team"
* kōrei 高齢 【こうれい】
* shō or sō 荘; 庄 【しょう; そう】 (n,n-suf): "(See 荘園 [pronounced 'shō-en' or 'sō-en') manor"
* ko-hitsuji 小羊(P); 子羊(P); 羔(oK) 【こひつじ】 (n): "lamb"
  ^ hitsuji 羊

(c) " 'We have to change our view from "antiaging" to "smart aging," ' says business consultant Hiroyuki MURATA 村田 裕之, author of Japanese best-sellers like 'The Business of Aging: 10 Successful Strategies for a Diverse Market 「多樣性市場」 成功 10 鐵則.' "
(d) "The temp agency Koreisha Corp 株式会社 高齢社—a pun meaning both 'aging people' and 'aging company'—dispatches workers up to 75 years old. * * * An appliance company hires Koreisha temps to ride with repairmen and stay with the car, fending off tickets in parking-challenged Tokyo."
(e) "Off a narrow winding road in Nagano Prefecture 長野県, a company called Ogawa No Sho 小川の庄 turns to seniors to make dumplings. It used to have a retirement age of 78, but employees can now stay as long as they like."
(f) Japanese surnames:
* Matsumoto  松本
* Fujizuka  藤塚
* Sekine  関根
* Koshikawa  越川
* shūkatsy 終活 【しゅうかつ】 (n,v)" "(col]loquial]) making preparations for one's death"
(g) “Shunji IYAMA 居山 俊治, one of the developers [of humanoid root called Pepper, written among Japanese articles in ENGLISH], says the robot may sometimes work better than people. ‘That [old] man keeps repeating himself over and over again,” Mr. Iyama said. “If Pepper were human, he’d get fed up, but he just repeats the same reaction and doesn’t get tired.’  Mr Iyama’s company, a three-employee startup aimed at the burgeoning elderly tech market, is called Fubright Communications フューブライト・コミュニケーションズ株式会社 [which is essentially the katakana version of English, which shows that the ‘fu’ in the company name is pronounced the same as that in ‘future’/ 2013年 設立], a contraction of ‘Future’ and ‘Bright.’  ‘Japan’s future is considered dark,’ he says. ‘But if you change your viewpoint, this is the only place where we can test such technologies in such an aging environment.’ “

I spent 1 ½ hours on Iyama’s name in Japanese.
(h) "For 16 years, Shizuka KOSHIKAWA 越川 玄, a 72-year-old divorced man, has been running the Sankō (Three Happiness) Club 三幸倶楽部 matchmaking service for single Tokyo-area seniors as a kind of hobby and low-margin business."
(i)  "one of Japan’s hottest business buzzwords has become 'shūkatsu,' or 'end of life,' referring to the explosion of products and services aimed at people preparing for their final years."
(j) "Yoriko MUTŌ 武藤 頼胡, founder and chief executive of the Shukatsu Association 終活カウンセラー協会"  (where the katakana カウンセラー means “counselor”)
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