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The Latest Development on Taiwan’s Yen 癮 for Subs

发表于 12-6-2015 09:45:21 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
There is no need to read the rest of either report, which is familiar to us.

Wendell Minnick, Taiwan Turning the Screws on Washington’s Sub Deal. Defense News, Dec 5, 2015.
http://www.defensenews.com/story ... -sub-deal/76676188/


(a) "On Dec 1, the Washington-based Project 2049 Institute sponsored a conference [at DC] on the topic with Taiwan's Rear Adm David TW Yang 海軍少將 楊大偉 ['a military attaché at Taiwan’s de facto embassy TECRO' 駐美軍事團團長] presenting the keynote speech. The conference, 'A Deep Dive: Taiwan’s Future Submarine Program,' included commentary by Mark Stokes 薛 瑞福, executive director of the Project 2049 Institute. * * *

"It should be noted that Stokes served as the Pentagon’s team chief and senior country director for China, Taiwan and Mongolia in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs during the 2001 arms release. He is described by many within the US and Taiwan defense industries as the architect of the original arms package and continues to be a major advocate of Taiwan’s acquisition of submarines.

(b) "Yang admitted that Taiwan was 'in communication' with Japan for a possible deal for Soryu-class submarines. Japan’s export defense restrictions have been eased, and Japan and Australia are currently working on a joint submarine program.

"Bob Nugent of AMI International, a Bremerton, Washington–based naval market analysis and advisory firm, said he could “envision a scenario where there is an outright sale to Taiwan of Japanese submarines.” The current price is around $500 million a hull for the Soryu, and that includes airindependent propulsion — significantly less than the US offer estimated at $800 million for just the design stage.

(a) Bremerton, Washington
(located directly west of Seattle across the Puget Sound on the Kitsap Peninsula)
(b) On Nov 20, 2015 I published a posting titled "Japan Guns for World's Biggest Defense Deal: Aussie Subs" and brought to your attention:  

Isabel Reynolds and Jason Scott, Japan Guns for World's Biggest Defense Deal: Aussie Subs. Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Nov 18, 2015 (blog)
("The A$50 billion [today A$1 = $0.72] contract would be to build the ['about 12': Reuters, June 4, 2015] subs and service them over their decades-long lifetime. * * * Japan has deployed its conventionally powered, 4,000-ton Sōryū 蒼龍 class subs -- the largest of their type in the world -- since 2009. The latest models cost about 60 billion yen ($487 million)")  (brackets are mine)

So the price tag of roughly $500m each includes servicing during its lifetime. Probably Taiwan will not require, or be allowed to require, technology transfer or partially locally built -- because Taiwan does not have bargaining power (a German shipbuilder is anxious to build subs for Aussies, too, at a lower price).

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 楼主| 发表于 12-6-2015 09:45:39 | 只看该作者
(2) 賴昭穎, 駐美軍事團團長:潛艦軍購、國造 兩案並行未變. 聯合新聞網, Dec 3, 2015.
https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E9%A7 ... E%8A-192500735.html
("楊大偉 * * * 引用美軍太平洋司令哈里斯在美國國會聽證會的說法,台灣發展適足的水下戰力,對於區域安全和台海穩定有相當大的幫助。楊大偉表示,美方對此相當肯定")
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