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When Kennedy Stared Down Mao

发表于 12-22-2015 19:45:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Ellen Bork, When Kennedy Stared Down Mao; Mao rather richly presented the withdrawal from Indian territory as a show of ‘restraint’ when pressing for a seat on the UN Security Council. Wall Street Journal, Dec 22, 2015.
(book review on Bruce Riedel; JFK’s Forgotten Crisis; Tibet, the CIA and the Sino-Indian War. Brookings, 2015)

(a) "[A] human right activist," Ellen Bork "is a member of the District of Columbia Bar. Bork earned a bachelor's degree in history from Yale University and a law degree from the Georgetown University Law Center. * * * Bork is the daughter of legal scholar and former US Circuit Court Judge Robert Bork."  Wikipedia

(b) "On Oct 20, 1962, Communist Chinese troops attacked India at opposite ends of their disputed 2,200-mile border in the Himalayas. They plunged deep into Indian territory in Kashmir to the west and to the east in what is now the state of Arunachal Pradesh."
(i) Sino-Indian War
(also known as the Sino-Indian Border Conflict 中印边境战争; "On Oct 20, 1962, the Chinese People's Liberation Army launched two attacks, 1000 kilometres apart. In the western theatre, the PLA sought to expel Indian forces from the Chip Chap valley in Aksai Chin while in the eastern theatre, the PLA sought to capture both banks of the Namka Chu river" ('60 km north of Tawang'))
(A) Arunachal Pradesh
(name means Land of the Dawn-Lit Mountains in Sanskrit; section 1.3 Drawing of McMahon line: ['The McMahon Line forms the northern boundary of Arunachal Pradesh'];


"Most of the state, formerly called the North-East Frontier Agency, was ceded to Britain by the Tibetan government with the Simla Accord (1914). China does not recognize the legality of that treaty, and claims most of the state as South Tibet.

"During the war in 1962, the PRC captured most area of Arunachal Pradesh. However, China soon declared victory, voluntarily withdrew back to the McMahon Line and returned Indian prisoners of war in 1963.

(B) pradesh
("Arunacha = Land of the Sun (ie, Sunrise)")
(C) Arunacha: "Sanskrit meaning of Aruna is ‘dawn lit’ and acha is 'mountain.' "
(D) Vaman Shivaram Apte, The Practical Sanskrit- English Dictionary.
* aruna: "reddish brown, tawny, red, ruddy (of the colour of the morning as opposed to the darkness of night); the early dawn"
http://dsalsrv02.uchicago.edu/cg ... ct&display=utf8
* nothing for acha, Arunacha, or Arunachal in this online dictionary

(c) "Mr Riedel dismisses arguments that India provoked the conflict. Even accounting for Nehru’s disastrous “forward policy,” which had sent ill-equipped and vastly outnumbered Indian troops to set up bases in the disputed areas, Mr Riedel blames the Chinese."

For military strength, consult the table in
(d) "In fact, Nehru had acquiesced to the 1950 Chinese invasion of Tibet in the belief that he could forge an anti-imperialist solidarity with China. It was Mao’s attack, Mr Riedel writes, that 'created the partnership he had feared, bringing India closer to the United States than anyone would have thought possible before October 1962.' "

The "he" in the clause "he had feared" is Mao.  The partnership is of India and US.
(e) "He [Mao] would rather richly present the withdrawal as a show of 'restraint' when pressing for a seat on the United Nations Security Council"

richly (adv): "in full measure : AMPLY <praise richly deserved>"

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