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发表于 12-26-2015 08:19:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 外交部发言人陆慷就法国《新观察家》驻京记者郭玉记者证不再获准延期答记者问. 中国外交部, Dec 26, 2015.
http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/web/wjdt ... 4889/t1328120.shtml

Note: 中国外交部 calls her 郭玉, whereas BBC Chinese says 高洁.

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 楼主| 发表于 12-26-2015 08:21:27 | 只看该作者
(2)(a) The report at issue, in French:

Ursula Gauthier, Après les attentats, la solidarité de la Chine n'est pas sans arrière-pensées. L'Obs, Nov 18, 2015.news magazine
http://tempsreel.nouvelobs.com/a ... rriere-pensees.html

(A) The surname Gauthier was used as a given name first. It is the French form of Walter. Walter has a Germanic origin "composed of the elements wald ‘rule’ + heri, hari ‘army.’ The personal name was introduced into England from France by the Normans in the form Walt(i)er, Waut(i)er." Dictionary of American Family Names, published by Oxford University Press.
(B) Walter (name)
("The name also entered the French language as Gauthier (and Wauthier)")

(ii) Le Nouvel Observateur
(since 2014, named simplified to L'Obs; a weekly newsmagazine in French; Based in Paris; established in 1950)
(iii) French articles and determiners
(section 1.1 Definite article: table)
(iv) French English dictionary:
* observateur (noun masculine): "observer"
* turcophone (noun masculine, feminine): "Turcophone"

(A) nouveau (adjective masculine; from Old French novel; ultimately from Latin adjective masculine novus ‎new): "new"

This Wiktionary page also states,
"Usage notes[:]
Nouveau is a French adjective which when possessing an attributive function can precede its noun.
When used in the masculine singular, nouveau becomes nouvel before a word beginning with a vowel or a mute h."
(B) French grammar
(section 4 Adjectives: "The masculine singular, an adjective's basic form, is listed in dictionaries. The feminine singular is normally formed by adding -e to the basic form. * * * The plural is normally formed by adding -s to the singular (masculine and feminine). This -s is usually mute, but * * * A few adjectives take the (also mute) ending -x in the masculine plural (cf nouveau > nouveaux 'new'). * * * Most adjectives, when used attributively, appear after their nouns: le vin rouge the red wine. A number of adjectives (often having to do with beauty, age, goodness, or size, a tendency summarized by the acronym 'BAGS'), come before their nouns")

(v) Following French grammar, the English noun "nouveau riche" and its plural form "nouveaux riches" is pronounced the same.
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 楼主| 发表于 12-26-2015 08:22:14 | 只看该作者
(2)(b) Author's own translation into English:

josh rudolph, State Media Attacks French Journo for Xinjiang Report. China Digital Times, Dec 1, 2015
("Updated at 11:09 PST on December 2, 2015: Gauthier has provided CDT editors with the following rough translation of her original report")

(i) China Digital Times  中国数字时代
(ii) "But, bloody though it was, the Baicheng 拜城县 attack had nothing in common with the 13th November attacks. In fact it was an explosion of local rage such as have blown up more and more often in this distant province whose inhabitants,  turcophone and Muslim Uyghurs, face pitiless repression."

For definition of French (!, in an English-language translation) word turkophone, see (2)(a)(iv).  (The Englishonline dictionary www.merriam-webster.com does not have that word.  The French suffix (adopted into English) "phone" is Ancient Greek noun phōnḗ sound.
(iii) "[The box, which I have not translated, gives an account of the Baicheng attack and the reported deaths of 17 ‘terrorists’ including – according to RFA – women and children when a hideout cave was blown up by the police. PF]"

I do not know why Ms Ursula Gauthier here signed "PF" (without a period following each capital letter).  In the French original -- (2)(a) -- she had signed "U.G."
(iv) "During the same G20 summit, Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi * * * said. 'The fight against ETIM (an extremist Uyghur movement) is an important part of the global struggle against terrorism.' "

ETIM stands for East Turkestan Islamic Movement.
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