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No Room at The Inn For China's Muslims as Terror Law Passed

发表于 12-29-2015 17:05:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Radio Free Asia, Dec 28, 2015.

six consecutive paragraphs:

"A directive from the Guangzhou police department dated Dec. 24 announced a terror alert running through Jan. 2, and advised officers of the 'distinguishing characteristics of terrorists.'

"They may possess 'long parcels containing knives,' wear clothes with 'moon-and-star symbols' on them, and 'generally attack after morning prayers,' the directive, a copy of which was sent to RFA, said.

" hotel employee in the city said they had been ordered to deny hotel rooms to anyone not belonging to the majority Han Chinese ethnic group.

"The ban includes the mostly Muslim Uyghur ethnic group from the northwestern region of Xinjiang, where a string of violent incidents have left hundreds dead in recent years.

" 'If you carry a Xinjiang ID card, you can't [stay here],' the employee said. 'Han Chinese are OK, but no other ethnic group.' Chinese ID cards must display the ethnic identity of the holder." (brackets original)

" 'We would definitely welcome guests from Xinjiang here if the police told us that it was OK.'

My comment: There i s no need to read the rest.

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