(b) " 'The turn to the east is happening, but in a characteristically Russian way: slowly, foolishly and with unrealistically high expectations,” says Alexander Gabuev, the chairman of the Russia in the Asia-Pacific programme at the Moscow Carnegie Centre, a think-tank."
About the Moscow Carnegie Center
("The Carnegie Moscow Center was established as a subdivision of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (Washington, DC[; 1911- ]) and started its activities in 1994. Beyond the Moscow center, the Carnegie Endowment maintains offices in Beijing, Beirut, and Brussels, making it the world’s first global think tank")
(c) "Gorbachev was calling Vladivostok a 'window to the East' and declaring the Soviet Union 'an Asian and Pacific country.' "
Peter I or the Great founded Saint Petersburg in 1703, as his window to or on the West.
(d) "En+ Group, an energy holding company controlled by Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch, has signed a deal with China’s Huawei to build data centres in Siberia."
("It derives from the Old Norse Helgi (Helge), meaning 'holy,' 'sacred,' or 'blessed.' The feminine equivalent is Olga [which is derived from Old Norse Helga]")
(e) "Victor Larin of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Vladivostok"
Russian Academy of Sciences
(Established 1724; Headquartered in Moscow)
(f) "In November CAI Shangjun 蔡尚君, an internationally acclaimed Chinese film director, brought more than 50 cast and crew to Khabarovsk to shoot a new movie, but customs officials held his camera equipment at the border. The frustrated cinéaste was left cooling his heels in his hotel for over a week. * * * His film 'Under the Ice 冰之下,' about two Chinese lovers who meet in Russia, has since resumed production."
cineaste (n; French: etymology): "a filmmaker"
www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/de ... an_english/cineaste