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Strange Bedfellows Bump Against Each Other in Taiwan Elections

发表于 12-31-2015 17:35:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
JR Wu, Strange Bedfellows Bump Against Each Other in Taiwan Elections. Reuters, Dec 30, 2015
http://www.reuters.com/article/u ... USKBN0UD1U320151230

(a) Reuters does not produce a Chinese version of this report.

(i) "White Wolf 白狼, an ex-criminal gang leader  [竹聯幫大老] who is running for Taiwan's parliament, found himself squashed in a lift with a gaggle of young women supporting one of Taiwan's most famous heavy-metal singers and outspoken China critic, Freddy Lim.  White Wolf, 67, real name Chang An-lo 張安樂, who is running for a small party [中華統一促進黨 創始人和黨總裁] that favors unification with China, told the women Freddy Lim, the long-haired, heavily tattooed, leather-clad singer, was good-looking. The women smiled awkwardly and mumbled 'he's all right' as they waited for the doors to open."
(ii) 抽籤碰上狼來了 時代力量好抽籤碰上狼來了 時代力量好尷尬. YouTube.com, published by 年代新聞CH50 on Dec 24, 2015.

(c) Freddy "Lim 林昶佐, 39, is the former chief of Amnesty International in Taiwan and a founder of a minor pro-democracy party [時代力量 New Power Party; formed in January 2015; recent opinion polls tipped as 3rd largest political party -- a distant 3rd, though]. But he is better known as the lead singer of Chthonic 閃靈 [1995- ], a band * * * Lim is in a tight race against a veteran politician 林郁方 of the ruling Nationalist Party in his district in Taipei, even though theirs is a seven-horse race."

(d) "Wayne Chiang 蔣萬安 is up against nine rivals for his seat. It was his great-grandfather, Chiang Kai-shek, who fled with his Nationalist forces from Mao Zedong's Communists 66 years ago to set up government in Taiwan, which has been self-ruled since."

(1978- ; 父為蔣孝嚴 [母 黃美倫]; 2015年5月,以些微取勝的民調擊敗羅淑蕾 [the incumbent who will retire],取得國民黨提名臺北市第三選舉區的立委提名")
(e) "Then there is Chang Hsien-yao 張顯耀, who was forced to resign in 2014 as deputy head of Taiwan's ministry in charge of China policy 行政院大陸委員會副主任委員 on suspicion he leaked secrets to China.  The allegations were never proved, but it cost him his job. [Nominated by KMT, whose chairman is Eric Chu (whose predecessor Ma Ying-jeou stepped down in December 2014),] Chang is campaigning for a parliamentary seat in Kaohsiung"
(f) "Wu'er Kaixi * * * is also running for parliament, representing a minor party called the Constitutional Reform Fraternity Coalition 大愛憲改聯盟的不分區立委."


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