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动能-3拦截导弹 测试

发表于 12-31-2015 19:15:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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(1) Bill Gertz, China Confirms Recent Anti-Satellite Test; Official technical newspaper defends satellite-killing missile. Washington Free Beacon, Dec 31, 2015.
("A Chinese military official recently confirmed Beijing’s latest test of a satellite-killing missile that threatens U.S. space assets.  Zhou Derong, a professor at the People’s Liberation Army Logistics Academy * * * The article appeared Dec 7 in the online edition of the newspaper Science and Technology Daily [科技日报], an official publication of the China State Science and Technology Commission, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense.  The administration is one of the main Chinese government organs involved in widespread collection and theft of U.S. defense technology secrets")

My comment: There is no need to read the rest of this report, because you will read the original in (2).

(2) 张强, 美国热炒中国导弹试验为哪般? 科技日报, Dec 7, 2015
http://digitalpaper.stdaily.com/ ... /content_325861.htm
(“美国国防部一名官员认为,中国对DN-3型大气层外打击拦截导弹进行了测试。 对此,后勤学院军事专家周德荣教授在接受科技日报记者采访时指出”)

(3) Bill Gertz, China Tests Anti-Satellite Missile; New ASAT interceptor threatens US spy satellites. Washington Free Beacon, Nov 9, 2015.
http://freebeacon.com/national-s ... -satellite-missile/

(a) Dong Neng-3 or DN-3   动能-3
(b) "China’s Guancha.com 观察者网 reported Nov 1 that the unusual contrails near the city of Korla, in Xinjiang province, that appeared to be signs of a spacecraft launch or possibly 'a midcourse anti-missile test.'

contrail (n; condensation trail): "a stream of water or ice particles created in the sky by an airplane or rocket"

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