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Taiwan’s Elections: The Economist

发表于 1-9-2016 08:54:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Politics in Taiwan | A Tsai is Just a Tsai; The election of an independence-leaning president would put Taiwan back in the international spotlight, Economist, Jan 9, 2016.
http://www.economist.com/news/as ... -back-international


"One study found that the capital, Taipei, has become one of the world’s costliest cities relative to income, with the ratio of median house prices to median household income rising from 8.9 in 2005 to 15.7 in 2014—nearly twice the level of London.

"Most of the KMT’s bigwigs refused to run for president, fearing defeat. * * * Hung Hsiu-chu, whose pro-China views proved so extreme that they nearly split the party. Mr [KMT chairman Eric] Chu ditched her * * * Ms Hung’s backers, many of them old-guard KMT voters, may abstain in protest.

"For years, the Chinese Communist Party’s policy towards Taiwan has been based on patience and economic integration. But the [this] election campaign suggests that [economic] integration is a liability [to KMT] and that time may not be on China’s side [so CCP may not be rewarded for its patience].

"Mr Xi says he wants a 'final resolution' of differences over Taiwan, adding that this is not something to leave for the next generation.

My comment: About the source of the last quotation -- specifically "final resolution." Because Beijing's leaders do not issue a transcript, so I have to rely on news reports. Does Xi want a final resolution with Taiwan per se, or of political differences with Taiwan? That I do not know, by reading news reports.
(i) In English:

Busa Dua, China's Xi Says Political Solution for Taiwan Can't Wait Forever. Reuters, Oct 6, 2013
www.reuters.com/article/us-asia- ... USBRE99503Q20131006


"Speaking on the Indonesian resort island of Bali ahead of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, Xi told Ma's envoy to the meeting, Vincent SIEW 萧万长, that political issues could not be put off forever.

" 'Looking further ahead, the issue of political disagreements that exist between the two sides must reach a final resolution, step by step, and these issues cannot be passed on from generation to generation,' " Xi added")

(ii) in Chinese:
(A) Xinhua's Chinese-langaue report does not contain "最后."
(B) 京华时报 did, but attribution was to a scholar, not to Xi.

商西, 习近平:政治问题不能一代一代传下去. 京华时报, Jan 7, 2013



"厦门大学台湾研究院政治研究所所长张文生分析 * * * '进行一些讨论是有可能的,讨论两岸政治方面的安排,表达各自的意见,但要达成最后的、比较明确的共识和协议,目前双方分歧还比较大。'

(b) The term "final resolution" comes from Joint Communique of the United States of America and the People's Republic of China, August 17,1982 《中华人民共和国和美利坚合众国联合公报》(一九八二年八月十七日).

(In China's official sites, the Joint Communique of PRC and US. I have not found the text of Communique in IS official websites, but American civilian websites have Joint Communique of US and PRC. The difference in the title is the order of the two nations.)

paragraph 6 in part: "Having in mind the foregoing statements of both sides, the United States Government states that it does not seek to carry out a long-term policy of arms sales to Taiwan, that its arms sales to Taiwan will not exceed, either in qualitative or in quantitative terms, the level of those supplied in recent years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and China, and that it intends to reduce gradually its sales of arms to Taiwan, leading over a period of time to a final resolution. In so stating, the United States acknowledges China's consistent position regarding the thorough settlement of this issue

China's translation: "考虑到双方的上述声明,美国政府声明,它不寻求执行一项长期向台湾出售武器的政策,它向台湾出售的武器在性能和数量上将不超过中美建交后近几年供应的水平,它准备逐步减少它对台湾的武器出售,并经过一段时间导致最后的解决。


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