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美财政部将记录 用现金在纽约市, 迈阿密郡豪宅买家

发表于 1-14-2016 11:06:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 1-14-2016 11:46 编辑

Josh Barbanel and Samuel Rubenfeld, 美国财政部将追踪豪宅买家身份. 华尔街日报中文版, Jan 14, 2016.


(a) 财政部 "金融犯罪执法网络(Financial Crimes Enforcement Network)周三发出的指令旨在打击房地产领域的洗钱行为。




(b) "新规仅适用于交易额达到或超过300万美元,且至少部分以现金、银行本票、旅行支票或汇票方式支付的房地产交易。信息上报规定将只适用于在一个法人实体持股至少25%的所有者。

(a) WSJ does publish the English-language report, but online only (not in the US edition, that is.
(b) "期限为六个月。"

The following NYT report says "the requirement runs from March through August."

(2) Louise Story, 反洗钱,美国买豪宅将禁止匿名. 纽约时报中文网, Jan 14, 2016

, which is translated from

Louise Story, Property Sales Get US Scrutiny; Seeking names of secret buyers. New York Times, Jan 14, 2016 (front page).
http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/1 ... ry-real-estate.html

Excerpt in the window of print: A program begins in costly destinayions: New York and Miami.


(a) "The initiative will start in two of the nation’s major destinations for global wealth: Manhattan and Miami-Dade County. It will shine a light on the darkest corner of the real estate market: all-cash purchases made by shell companies that often shield purchasers’ identities.

"It is the first time the federal government has required real estate companies to disclose names behind cash transactions

(b) "The use of shell companies in real estate is legal

(c) "The department will focus on sales that are both paid for all in cash and conducted using shell companies.

"The government is requiring title insurance companies, which are involved in virtually all sales, to discover the identities of buyers and submit the information to the Treasury.

"The government will put the information into a database for law enforcement.

(d) "In Manhattan, the initiative requires buyers in sales of more than $3 million to be reported; in Miami-Dade County, it requires reporting on sales of more than $1 million.

My comment: There is no need to read the rest of this NYT report.

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