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发表于 1-16-2016 09:15:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 1-16-2016 10:12 编辑

Inn chronological order.

(1) 余杰:香港出版自由崩坏,批习新书遭遇流产. RFA, Jan 13, 2016
http://www.rfa.org/cantonese/com ... 1132016092301.html/
("这是他通过本台发表对事件的看法: '二零一五年十一月,我完成了继《中国教父习近平》[Open Magazine 開放雜誌, 2014] 之后又一本批判习近平的新作《习近平的噩梦》。 * * * 这本四百多页的书稿完成之后,我即与曾经出版《中国教父习近平》的香港开放出版社商量出版事宜,初步达成了出版意象。随即展开编辑工作。在圣诞节前夕,我们完成了书稿编辑、封面设计等前期所有工作,预计元旦开机印刷。然而,一月三日,开放出版社总编辑金锺先生发来电邮告知:" * * * 决定暂停大作的出版" ' * * * 得到这个不幸的消息之后,我为此书的出版作出最后的努力,先后联络了香港的五、六家出版商,结果均被婉言谢绝。至此,这本新书在香港出版的可能性完全断绝")

Jonathan Kaiman, Hong Kong Publisher Suspends Plans for Book Critical of Chinese President. Los Angeles Times, Jan 16, 2016.
www.latimes.com/world/asia/la-fg ... 20160115-story.html


"Jin Zhong 金鐘, head of the Hong Kong publishing house Open, decided in early January to scrap plans to publish 'Xi Jinping’s Nightmare' by Yu Jie 余杰, a Chinese writer and democracy activist living in the US.  'Many booksellers are afraid of selling these kinds of books now,' Jin said in a phone interview Thursday.

"Yu has already written one highly critical book about Xi Jinping, 'Godfather of China Xi Jinping.' Several booksellers initially refused to publish the book, and the few who agreed faced heavy intimidation. One, Yiu Mantin 姚文田 [Cantonese pronunciation], was arrested during a visit to mainland China before its release. Chinese authorities accused him of smuggling industrial paint, and in May 2014, sentenced him to 10 years in prison.  Jin agreed to publish the book after Yiu’s arrest; it was released in 2014.

"On Tuesday [Jan 12], Yu wrote an op-ed in the local newspaper Apple Daily claiming that several other Hong Kong booksellers had refused to publish 'Xi Jinping’s Nightmare,' and he now planned to publish it in Taiwan. He called the democratic island a 'last lighthouse of publishing freedom in ethnic Chinese society.'

"Since Lee Bo vanished, the mystery surrounding his disappearance, and his current treatment, have deepened. No mainland or Hong Kong authorities have confirmed that the booksellers were detained.

"Joseph Yu-shek Cheng 鄭宇碩 [born in Hong Kong; president a citizen of Australia], a retired professor of political science at the City University of Hong Kong, said Lee’s disappearance shows that China is willing to abrogate its promises of one country, two systems.  'It’s very scary' * * * 'I do believe the price [Chinese authorities will pay] is substantial,' he said. “Because in the long term, people will see that and say, how can I trust you? I mean people in Hong Kong are all asking that question, quietly.'

My comment:
(a) There is no need to read the rest of this LA Times report, which is mainly about the recent disappearances of five Hong Kong publishers and employees.
(b) In quotation 3, the op-ed at issue:

余杰, 港版《習近平的噩夢》夭折. Hong Kong: Apple Daily, Jan 12, 2016

, whose content is exactly the same as that in RFA above.


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