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铜锣湾书店股东桂民海央视 '自首' 破绽百出 (video)

发表于 1-19-2016 08:09:34 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 1-19-2016 18:46 编辑

忻霖, 铜锣湾书店股东桂民海央视 '自首' 破绽百出. RFA, Jan 18, 2016 (video)

1 1/2 consecutive paragraphs:

"中国官方媒体 [Xinhua and CCTV] 星期天报道,桂民海因涉12年前的一桩酒驾撞人车祸而回国投案自首。消息传出后,不但没有平息事件引起的舆论波澜,反而引发更多新的疑问。

"据中国官媒《新华社》1月17日晚报道,铜锣湾书店瑞典籍东主桂民海,2003年底在内地驾车撞死一名女学生,缓刑期间用他人证件出境而遭公安追缉,去年 10月向公安机关投案自首。中央电视台晚上也播出了对桂民海的访问。但网民发现,官媒刊出的 p驾车撞死[ 刑事判决书上的名字 '桂敏海' 与媒体所称的 '桂民海' 明显不 同;官媒报道桂民海在案发时46岁,但有媒体证实桂生于1964年,即他在案发时只有39岁。此外,媒体发现,片段中的桂民海的衣服一会儿是黑色的一会儿是灰色的,头发的长度也有不同。

Note: Emily Rauhala, Hong Kong bookseller’s televised 'confession' was absurd and incoherent — and that’s the point. Washington Post, Jan 18, 2016.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/n ... nd-thats-the-point/
(a) View only the last photo, which shows disparity of shirts.

(b) the Cantonese comment on that particular photo "件底衫唔連戲"
(i) Though pronounced differently, 件 in Cantonese and Mandarin means the same. Here 這 is omitted.
(ii) 底衫

my translation: 底衫: broadly defined as underwear (including top and bottom (ie, boxer or panties) ); strictly speaking it is the top or undershirt, excluding the bottom.

底衫 may be used for undershirt (or underwear) of both males and females, adults and children.
(iii) 唔 = negative (not, no etc)
(iv) 唔連戲, whose antonym is 連戲 (defined as "continuity" in English)
(v) For 喎, see User: Danielairy/粵字表
https://zh-yue.wikipedia.org/wiki/User: Danielairy/粵字表
("喎  粵語發音:wo5 意思:語氣詞,常用在表達別人的吩咐 舉例:佢 [he or she] 叫你今日去開會喎")

Basically the word has no meaning, more or less like 唄 (which is unknown in Taiwan).

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