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周子瑜 (I)

发表于 1-19-2016 19:43:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) One of the videos at issue:

K-Pop Band Twice Embroiled in Controversy over Tzuyu's Nationality. Korea Times, Jan 16, 2016 (video).
http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/ ... /01/201_195435.html

2 consecutive paragraphs:

"The rumors began when China-based singer Huang An 黃安 referred on his SNS website to Tzuyu's alleged political role, based on footage from her appearances on Korean TV variety shows. He pointed out that Tzuyu waved Taiwan's national flag on MBC's "My Little Television" in November as she introduced herself as Taiwanese.

"He also mentioned she identified herself as Taiwanese on MBC Every1's 'Weekly Idol.'

* MBC = Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation  文化放送
(1961- ; Owner: The Foundation of Broadcast Culture [a government-established corporation]: 70% + Jung-Su Scholarship Foundation: 30%)

The ja.wikipedia.org uses 正修奨学会 for Jung-Su Scholarship Foundation. But I fail to find out whether the foundation is government or civilian, or who "Jung-Su" is/was.

(2) Latest news first.
(a) 威克, 台湾选后观察: '天然独' 与 '当然统.' BBC Chinese, Jan 19, 2016.
http://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp ... ion_china_relations


"在台湾,用 '中华民国' 作为国号、青天白日满地红作为国旗、唱 '三民主义、吾党所宗……' 却是所谓 '统派' 的象征。

"一些台湾年轻人告诉我说,如果这也是“台独”,那么台湾2300万人口当中就根本没有支持统一的 '统派' 了。

支持一中各表的外省人 "年龄普遍偏大,他们对中国有着家乡的记忆、土地的认同,他们出生在那块土地上,或许还有家人、亲戚在中国、在他们的故乡。 * * * 他们也会说自己是台湾人,但是这个 '台湾人,' 对他们而言就和 '四川人、' '上海人' 一样,是地理、不是政治。

(b) Bill Birtles, Taiwan Election Night Exposes a Uniquely Challenging Political Path. Australian Broadcasting Corp, Jan 16, 2016.
www.abc.net.au/news/2016-01-17/t ... itical-path/7093542

five consecutive paragraphs:

"The extraordinary aspect of all this [Tsai Ing-wen made her acceptance speech at her campaign headquarters] is that not one national flag could be seen among the tens of thousands of people packing the space outside the Democratic Progressive Party's (DPP) headquarters.

"In fact, as I was heading there from the headquarters of the incumbent party, the Kuomintang (KMT), my seasoned Taiwanese colleague advised me to ensure I was not openly carrying any flag souvenirs to the DPP rally.

"That is because the national flag contains the 'Blue Sky with a White Sun' emblem of the KMT — the political party of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek that shaped modern Taiwan but has just been booted from power after adopting a Beijing-friendly economic policy.

"For Tsai Ing-wen's DPP supporters, the flag and KMT have always been linked, and thus this symbol [ROC flag] of defiance of Communist-run China is itself highly contested among those who most staunchly seek independence.

"What were noticeable, among the thousands of supporters, were large [black] banners and an abundance of shirts advocating Taiwanese independence.

(c) 投票直擊/周子瑜非台獨!賴清德:台獨份子有自己的國旗. 三立新聞, Jan 16, 2016

賴清德 is one of the few Taiwanese politicians, even in DPP, that publicly advocates Taiwan independence -- OK, he corrected the text day, saying declaration of independence was unnecessary, because Taiwan was already a nation.

(3) 「我是中國人!」在這個狀況下…蔡英文也曾經說過. 三立新聞, Jan 18, 2016

two consecutive paragraphs:


"蔡英文回答「我沒有說我是中國人有什麼不好,只是怕因此而產生了政治風險。我是台灣人並沒有錯,我是中國人,因為我是念中國書長大的,受的是中國式教育。 * * * 但是不要忘了台灣是個多元的社會,除了受到中國的文化影響,還受到其他許多文化的影響。」

(4) 羅志祥 (1979- ; English name: Show LUO; born in Taiwan; 有一半的原住民血統; nickname: 小豬)

In chronological order.
(a) 羅志祥:不用分那麼細,因為我們都是中國人. YouTube.com, published by "anti showluo' on Jan 17, 2016.
(b) 羅志祥喊都是中國人引眾怒經紀公司聲明:誰不是呢?三立新聞, Jan 18, 2016


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